Thayder, SJW

Great, So Snyder is just intentionally messing with fans, I guess that means we can expect Superman to be a serial killer in BvS.

That’s what happens when your heroes give a shit about civilians.

Tony in a sling after talking to Black Widow

Tony with a broken arm...

Starred for the awesome Clue reference.

Yes beyond irresponsible. :/

Thank you. And yes.. pretty awful adulting going on there.

Yeah when I shot and killed my baby brother when I was four and a half years old I totally forgot about it and wasn’t scarred at all.

When I shot and killed my baby brother when i was four or five years old there were no charges laid against anybody. As a matter of fact the adult responsible now owns several gun stores in a very red state.

I shot my baby brother in the head and killed him when i was 4-4 1/2... I very much remember it.

90% of all statistics are caused by smoking.

It is a perfect rebuttal to the argument in saying the earths biosphere is so complex and enormous that it is ridiculous to think humans could influence something as complicated as the climate.

I thought 85% of statistics were caused by smoking?

That argument would make more sense if we could not vaporize a mountain in a second. Which... btw... we can.

Very well said Charlie Jane, sadly I do not ever see the two universes (pocket universe? Slightly out of phase with each other?)coming together. Kevin Fiege got Permulter removed from the movie side of things and apparently they cannot stand each other. So Permulter is running all the TV and comic stuff and Feige is

Well said.

Let’s not forget the deleted scenes featuring Choda boy/Squeak Scolari as one of the aliens.

It really is worth a view. i cannot stand Tim Allen either. AT ALL. But everyone else is so great, really astounding stellar performances. And its not making fun of Star Trek, the film gets it and shares the love of it.

Wow, I received emails about the Fables legends Beta last week, I feel for the employees that are affected by this. And despite the mountain of shit that is rained on Fable by the internet, it was a fun series.