Thayder, SJW

“And the result was dragon age 3 which felt boring, unrealistic and stale. They basically removed everything regarding homophobia, racism etc. They made some Utopian fantasy world which just felt really boring”

Learn some, and then come back.

Our eyes suck even moreso as an alpha predator. We cannot see fine detail at distance, we only see things in visible light. Half the day our eyes are practically useless without an outside source of light. Of course how many of us need glasses or contacts just so we can see “normal”?

I, also, used exaggeration. Clearly ;) Unless your mom did get a note, then I would indeed feel slighted.

And know i know, thanks.

I did not know that, cool

“I’m a Christian, and why not support some intelligent design?

Rip Hunter is over 53 years in publication??

“This is better and more transparent behavior than we get out of most companies. Even most governments! But the more we get, the more we want, so people whine on about how they didn’t fix the problem faster, magically know and explain what happened in a personal email, and then follow up with a handwritten apology and

I did not know I was affected, and I saw many websites give the reasons but I didn’t hear thing one from Steam until this morning.

Thank you for your passive aggressive defense of machines of death.


“Be friendly at first meetings. Do not envy. Be generous; forgive your enemy if he forgives you. Be neither a tyrant or a patsy. Retaliate proportionately to an intentional injury (within the constraints of the rule of law). And make your behavior fairly (although not perfectly) clear and consistent.”

Yup, I try to avoid it, but even knowing it’s a trap, I fall into it sometimes.

Because in our heart of hearts we fervently hope that our internet activism will change the mind of a denier, thus making the world a better place.

Yeah did not help that in my area the first hour was completely replaced with Super Tuesday “news”.

I know that you are not saying that. I have seen you state that a student having ready access to a weapon during times of emotional stress may not be the best thing.

Yes it is just as true as saying “making weapons that are designed to kill are somehow suprisingly used to kill.”

“People who carry guns in any public place for the purpose of mass or illegal shootings don’t give a shit about the laws anyway. Laws don’t stop those types of people anyway”

Right, the answer is for everyone to be armed, that way we can have John Woo style shootouts because Jonny got drunk and didn’t do his homework.