Thayder, SJW

They are to be blamed only if they leave it in. Whoever was in charge of that part is to blame. And they should be fired.

Oh because it is common that makes it okay. And btw when it does happen, it is usually “in house”. Michael Bay taking scenes from his past movies, a great many of the special effects in the Star Trek films from earlier Star Trek films, etc.

Stealing someones work because you are under a time crunch does not excuse anything.

Alpha Centauri is on GOG? Damn. Damn. There goes some of my money. And LOTS of my time.

“This is a non-sequitur sort of but I can now no longer think about Primal without thinking about a thread on Kotaku from several weeks back. Some commenter lost his shit on another commenter for wanting them to put dinosaurs in a DLC package.

Well worth the wait and hell of a lot of fun

Cheers to you fellow gamer for avoiding the snark.

Me too. I noticed its not on the shows official channel so that may be why.

To quote Neil gaiman, “George RR Martin is not your bitch.”

Was just going to post that, but you said it very well. Kudos

It’s also an easy political maneuver. Conservative politicians know that their constituency eats it up so they politicize it as much as possible. They are doing everything they can to destroy Planned Parenthood in this country, going so far as to create videos that falsely show them aborting babies that were already

I appreciate the work you do, thank you for your bravery.

I’m so sorry. My gender strives to lower the bar for human decency almost every day.

The chefs at hibachi restaurants get the lions share of the tips. In addition, having one of the public faces of a business (note this is not a chef that is in the kitchen but one that interacts with their customers) suggest that the thing a couple needs is him in their bed is definitely worth savaging a business for.

Absolutely, when someone learns how to manipulate you and they know the triggers and the words and actions that they can say to string you along. Making your forgo your own sense of what Should and Should not be, all to fulfill whatever they need.

Testify! I have been in similar circumstances and yeah, not all of us were so fortunate or lucky and the outside view is like hindsight. It’s 20/20.

I just want to give kudos to the people that are defending this guy. Abuse is never warranted and what this fella is getting IS abuse. Saying it will help him grow, or he deserves it are example of the worst kind of internet commenting.

Maybe check out Rebel Galaxy on Xbox One, basically streamlined version of Elite:Dangerous but with plot and characters. Only bitch (for me) is that space is not four dimensional, you can’t go up or down essentially. But still an engaging space sim.

I’m in the same boat. I get it’s open and whatnot but still frustrating that documentation is so scarce. Googling doesn’t help either because I don’t feel like giving up hours to watch a youtube video of what to do.