Thayder, SJW

“Football is not a jock thing, it’s just another type of nerdery.”

There are so few people there and most live in abject squalor, the earthquakes would probably be welcome.

I’m so sorry. Your ex is obviously stupid and suffering from some sort of mental derangement. You are better off without someone of such shallow character. I know that doesn’t help in the slightest with the pain and frustration but i’ve got your internet back on this one.

It is, and they are getting all self important now because there is a ton of oil and natural gas to be fracked there.

Yeah its one of those that embarrases the other states too.

Actually this does not disprove that climate change was responsible for the big blob. Its all about energy transfer, El Nino just moved the energy elsewhere.

And hey, I admit things too. See, I was petty. You said there had been ten years of cooling. Which admittedly, is not evidence. Oh look another admission on my part. Doesn’t change that that statement ,”ten years of cooling.” is categorically and empirically incorrect.

It WAS pretty petty to pick on your auto correct, almost as petty as the “evidence” you have used to illustrate your point. Almost.

Yeah, your assertions that the governments of the EU and the US are the only ones directing climate change research is laughably wrong. And the assertion that “the “research” that generated the “90% of the world’s scientists” statement has been documented to be rather spurious, at best.” is, in fact, actually spurious.

Yeah, I’m still feeling pretty good about my point. But hey, if I’m wrong, just get actual scientific evidence and prove all us sheep wrong. You’ll make millions, be heralded by every other loon that ignores actual scientific evidence, and be feted by every news and scientific organization.

I had missed these man, glad it’s coming back.

People ten years ago:

We would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those pesky and altruistic billionaires.

So very dumb.

Batman v Superman will be recut to allow a hard R. Wonder Woman topless, Batman smokes pot and swears, and super gets it on with Lois and Lana.

And, of course, to validate her at the end.

The fourth one is available on like... everything. Yet, There are better things I can think of to do with over two hours of my time.

Technically not a movie... but still touching

Feeling the Science this week.

Yeah, he agreed to do this so that he could get the rights for Riddick. So Vin and the quest for the property he enjoys playing in. I know not as catchy as yours, but more meaningful.