Thayder, SJW

So I watched three seasons of Arrow and a season of Flash in like six weeks so I can see John Constantine on Arrow and DAMN it better rock. Matt Ryan deserves more time in John’s shoes.

Don’t we have a Steve Austin for the 21st century?

You are correct. My wife has this kind of teaching degree. She can teach Pre-K, Kinder, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. That’s it. She chose it because she didn’t want to do Middle School. This teacher knew what her qualifications were and I doubt this was a “surprise.” Undoubtedly she told the principal and needing a body in a

Fallout and Battlefront, like the rest of the country

And of course only unknown things are given almost thirty years of programming aside from all those movies.

Thank you, I like you too, you have pretty good taste

THANK YOU, sick to fucking death of that argument.


Yeah its pretty disgusting. The conservative part of our country is very darwinian in that the survival of the fittest is paramount. Those that can afford health care get to be healthy, those that don’t are lazy and deserve to die.

I have more than a few meself

Oh I believe you are right! I was in the same boat growing up, so this was always something to look forward too.

I LOVE me some Buffy Halloween

Nice! I love that one too. The special I referred to in my post actually had both Ichabod AND the Fantasia bit. So a double win there ;)


As you have no doubt been told repeatedly by now it is from Fantasia, they also used to play it in a Halloween special they would air that grouped all of their scary stuff together. Ichabod Crane, some mickey mouse stuff set during halloween, and this.

This was my favorite Halloween Special growing up...

I live in the Southwest, and The Nuwisha are based on a local Native tribe so part of my liking them has to do with that.

I love the hell out of those books just for that feeling alone