Thayder, SJW

He never had a plot, he based all of his stories around his philosophy. he would think up the theme of the book and then fit the details and events to match.

That time jump was supposed to be a decade or more. Give Arya time to really train, Jon to become the leader he needed to be... but then other story elements couldn't be pushed aside for ten years so he ditched it..

Fuck you for being part of the problem.

Okay I see where you are coming from and I totally agree with it. I think some of the butt hurt in comments is that some people don’t like being misled like that and are pissy because it wasn’t Alien on a planet, and their understanding of PTSD and how THEY took those jumps and flashes from Simmons did not align with

I LOVED the SHIT out of Spore. It is still on my PC and I am stoked as hell the servers are back online.

“For an episode that’s built on a couple two-years in the making, torn apart before their first date, I’m not going to give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to being manipulative.”

I kind of agree. The JJVerse Trek films aren’t even Trek films. Hell they actually remove the “trekking” in the second one because flying across the galaxy took too long.

The first Silent Hill is the last game that actually creeped me out, tho Alan Wake gets points for coming close a few times. HaveAmnesia in my steam library and looking forward to that.

Being somewhat familiar with the writers pasts, I do not believe that the writers were misrepresenting anything. If the audience takes it the wrong way because THEY don’t understand PTSD , that is not the fault of the writers.

It is so very good.

“pretty easy time of it”

“Is there a difference when it comes to PTSD though?”

This isn’t leaving someone behind in Afghanistan, this is leaving someone (that she cared very much about) possibly on the other side of the universe. I’m pretty sure wherever this is, Uber does not go there.

In regard to this rumor...


NICE, I LARPed with a great group in Washington that was home to an awesome Black Fury

I was partial to all the changing breeds ASIDE from the Garou. The coyote and alligator were probably my fave.

I love this thread. Thank you fellow nerds