Thayder, SJW

It is good to see you briefly resurface, was a bit worried.

I think she just really loves seeing her name on things and maybe the shocked gasps of the older ladies when they realize who she is...

You are such a groovy and kind soul, I hope you know that.

Loved that too and her confronting him with tomato juice and chunks all over his body as he denies it.

I think the group you're talking about doesn't exist either.

Legislation would not help (aside from the obvious Monopoly reasons, but with the TEA party and the current Supreme Court, we can assume monopolies are here to stay).

I doubt Maze will be missing half her face, tho I would certainly give it a watch if they tried. Hell I would even accept the half mask.

Our state has decided to see how crazy it can get. Martinez and the now the house being not just red, but red tea red, you can expect more and more crazy shit like this.

Again I disagree. Especially after how poorly Fitz was treated after his injuries, and after hearing everyone erupt during the briefing, and hearing Simmons go full bore anti super, and knowing what pre Winter Soldier SHIELD would have done to her (lock her ass up and study what the hell happened), not to mention the

Well I disagree, but I can understand your POV on it. He is supposed to freak out, that is what his training taught him to do. Supers are an unknown quantity and should be regarded extremely carefully.

I just had bizarre vision of a sort of Ewok/Fremen mental comparison cross in my mind. I can see Endor becoming this sort of Mecca where citizens from all over the galaxy come and view the place where the emperor was killed and these little cannibal teddy bears become underpaid museum guides...

How do you feel he turned stupid?

That was how I saw it as well

This Modern war is repulsive and disgusting. The crimes that are being perpetuated by this group against humans is outrageous and inhuman.

"Sex education in this country is a fucking travesty."


I break out in some pretty bad marks pretty badly no matter what kind of deodorant I use, so I am stuck with cologne or spray

Well, I pulled the trigger, I know I was not cognizant of what could happen. And while he never said I was responsible he did divorce my mom not too long afterwords and has not spoken to me at all in over twenty years.

Oh I know. I have debated these points till I was blue in the face. And I was one of those kids under the age of 8 (I was four or five) who found a gun and played with it killing my younger brother. Even when I bring that up in debates, it is quickly tossed aside as being irrelevant to the discussion...

It's mainly terrifying. I shot my younger brother in the forehead when i was four years old. I found the handgun in a box on a coffee table, apparently guns were stored all over the house because we lived in a community in southern Arizona and my father just knew that roving bands of Mexicans would storm the house