Thayder, SJW

I am testament to that fact.

"Suicide: The pro-gun explanation is that suicidal people would find a way to kill themselves no matter what, so the presence or absence of a gun is irrelevant. These people would generally view suicide as a binary choice. So for rhetorical purposes, a person committed to killing themselves would shoot themselves as

I... weirdly enjoyed the movie

Baby steps

"I do think we will see movement into the solar system. I am less convinced we will travel to other stars. I think it is highly unlikely that we will travel to other galaxies."

I admit its not a perfect metaphor, but I still stand behind it. As soon as leaving atmosphere and not being baked alive by radiation, I think we will see lots of movement off of earth out into the solar system.

I do not know that I would say it is a false equivalence. I understand your points and I am not saying that they are immutable, but travel to Mars right now is what... seven months?

Scaling back for time, at least two-5 months of treacherous travel with no guarantee of survival upon reaching it... yeah you're right, no similarities at all.

A lot of your arguments were vocalized when people were wanting to visit the New World.

"But it's fun to point out in reality he created jack shit. He only realized someone else's creation."

"But the reason you can easily dismiss it is that he didn't write the fucking thing. Only the writer can say for sure."

I'm not invested... at ALL, but the posing and uber huge smiles is kind of off-putting.

Preacher may be the only one that would smash my claim. Watchmen was licensed by Vertigo it was not written for Vertigo and Swamp Thing started in DC and please do not think I am knocking any of those other works. I read everything you listed (minus doom patrol) and enjoyed the hell out of them.

He was such a hero of mine, essentially a surrogate father, as I didn't have one. He was so intelligent and kind and fuck I wish I could stop crying...

So agreed

"But now, out tears of mirth shall turn into tears of sadness as all of us realize how close we are to living forever."

While the others were doing great work, Gaiman outsold all of them combined. Sadly since roughly issue 50 of the run, he has been late almost every month... (The Wake, I'm looking at you)

There is a great quote from Terry Pratchett that Neil is indeed a wizard of writing and that reading his work is like watching an old school magic show and that the older crowd such as he would watch and comment, "oh thats this kind of magic trick and that kind of magic trick," then Neil will do something that leaves

Kudos to you for sharing your story. I, too, was raised very religious. Started out as a Mormon and then due to life issues ended up gong to a baptist private school. The bullshit tug of war over my soul over the two following years is why i am proudly no longer a christian. I (and my family) was lied to,

And it appears you are not wrong...