Thayder, SJW

Yeah it really helps if you actually read the words in between the appearance of the word Muslim

I've been showing it to elementary students all day and it has been quite interesting.

Loved that book too, so much

I just... i can't...

Major Nelson has a blog and even an app that releases news several times a week about upcoming features/ games with gold/ etc. Thats how I found out.

Clearly if you say I'm wrong on an internet forum, well by golly your "30 years of experience" must trump mine.

I am basing this off of my 30 years experience in playing video games.

Sadly the answer to every single one of your points is that there ARE more body shapes for men than there are for women. There ARE more men of color than there are females of color.


If this our good ole American Hollywood, than it very well could be because they are rebooting the trilogy.

You know hulu/netflix/hbogo are no longer behind the paywall right?

"You remind me of a friend that always had good intentions when trying to spark debate but ultimately was too eager with his arguments and his interlocutors stopped wanting to have discussions with him because of this"

Yes and the point of your discussion that someone asking for a societal change should put up their own money because it is not worth the developers time to be equal is kind of a shitty position to have.

Naw with this vaccine its more along the lines of, "This will turn my three year old into a slut!"

If you dislike how your statements are viewed, then perhaps you should make better statements. Laying the onus on a public speaker to front the financial needs of making video games less rapey is ridiculous and would never be uttered by someone else in any other profession. I may have gone to the deep end sir, but

"It's not the requests that people have a problem with, it's Anita and all the controversies that surround her that make those requests lose value to some"

Oh so only the white chick needs to front the dough for her social change. Got it, thanks.

"Lol please don't compare Gandhi to Anita Sarkeesian. It doesnt make you sound very good."