Thayder, SJW

"It IS psycho to say all men are poisonous and all men should be killed"

I can tell from your last lol that you think you are being very funny. Think being the operative word

"She has yet to present any evidence to support any effect on society, though."

"It's why I hate Anita so much."

"The problem isn't games, it's her perception of games. Nothing wrong with them, they are quite kind towards the portrayal of women in general, but if you nit-pick at every single solitary game that violates any of these principals, then your only choice is to have a game completely devoid of personality."

So what she says is correct but because you heard negative things about her, the message is irrelevant?

Is it psycho asking that your gender Not be treated like rape fuel?

Thats a ludicrous argument.

Because we all remember the follow up to MLK's "I have a dream" speech and the important questions of whether he was going to pay to desegregate the public school system himself...

Yeah, I'm almost forty and have never had a regular doctors visit because I can't even afford that one simple physical.

"I've eaten generic Acme cereal plenty of times and my family has never been on public assistance"

"You're a tracer!"

And they got to use what few good elements were there for phase 2 for The Motion Picture and TNG

I love that show, I'm fully in on Jessica Jones just because they cast the B herself...

For space... I could.

I would do this in a heartbeat

It is still taught in schools but with Math and Reading becoming the only important skills to meet testing requirements, it will soon join art, history, science, music, drama, computers, social studies, etc in the dustbin of Things that Used to Taught.

In the city I live in, Analog clocks are taught in first and second grade. Of course our district is so cash starved that every school still only has analog clocks in all the classrooms.