Thayder, SJW

Yes giving food to people that have no money is JUST LIKE giving money to billionaires. Thank you for todays economic lesson.

You may have noticed that NOBODY is coming for your guns. The paranoia and fear the NRA (and such like minded folks) is generating is for one simple thing: gun sales.

What's awesome here, is that you can attack the message AND the messenger. It's the best cynical part of watching self confessed tea party "christians" want to execute government bureaucrats, tear poor people off of welfare and food supplements, and kick poor people off of medical care, and boot out the people that

The only cable news I will watch is brought to us by Mssr's Stewart, Colbert, and Oliver.

Maybe. Sadly, I have had many conversations with some members and their hate sounds an awful lot like the taliban. Up to the point of threatening to kill anyone that forces them to join the UN or take their guns away...

I wish journalists like McAvoy really existed...

I get "WTF is a MySpace?" from my students now.

Who ever thought a Disney song would mention fractals people???

Not to mention... Ferngully was not the most original story in the first place. Like... guys... you know every story has already been told right?? Even Shakespeare knew he was just redoing old tales...

I also saw a lot of hate over him putting away the cowl for, what was it, 8 years? "BATMAN DOES NOT QUIT!" "BATMAN DIES BEFORE HE GIVES UP" etc etc etc... well if you look at the narrative of the three movies it does make sense. Maybe not in the comics or cartoons... but TDKR was none of these things...

Well... parents certainly can lend a hand.

Sadly they get to witness first hand the "lovely" behavior they can expect from other human beings if they did show up with food stamps.

And you certainly have a point. The first film was barely sci-fi and the second was more blockbuster, and indeed the story in both are pretty weak. Compared to Salvation and the other one though, they are frisking Shakespeare.

"Try to make Terminator new and exciting again, please."

Maybe they are disintegrating reason... or story structure... or maybe just our hopes for a solid film with a good story.

The first two are awesome.... the two... "films" that followed are the equivalent of taking a dump on the Mona Lisa.

Do I count? I probably shouldn't have a giant robot... i want one tho... Secret Santa?...

I'm going to go with the modern era. Hacking, politics, etc... it is sad that the world we live in is so misrepresented.

Oooops i misses the sarcasm, ignore my similar sarcastic outburst

Ah gotcha, thanks for the save.