Thayder, SJW

Ummmm, the millions of white latinos would like to have a conversation with you about your ignorance.

Phoenix is a few hundred miles from the border.

Careful, your entitlement is showing...

Then he should be asking white people for their papers too.

Asking brown people for their "papers" because they are brown people is kind of racist.

Yeah... it just gets worse...

I thought that actress did a great job with that role, taking a literal useless and nonexistent character and made her a person worth caring about.

I love that flick with an unhealthy passion

It's a pity she wouldn't do The Undiscovered Country, the original intent was for Savik to be the villain, but they went with Cattral instead...

Yet in my "fail to address either point" I somehow managed not to call you a liar and express doubt that you tried hard enough to prosecute your rapist.

Didn't I just read somewhere that he promised an "alien" wouldn't be involved at all??? Did I slip parallel universes again?

"Are you referring to some mythical energy barrier that prevents a raped person from walking into a police station, reporting a crime, making a statement, and, if appropriate, having a rape kit performed on them?"

And I am sure that is explained in detail to upper teenage students in detail, and that there is no system that enables or puts any kind of hurdles in place of reporting said felony, even by police officers that are "friendly" to a university. But please keep proving to the world what a real man with you are, because

Thanks for mansplaining the facts to her. You certainly know every single law in the land and know that they are handled equally and openly in the ways they are meant to. And extra kudos for the inference that she is being deceptive. I don't think you're an outright misogynist dick, but in this instance you sure

Right... because the one opinion that needs to be heard when they are talking about the poison in my water, is the voice of the guy who is helping poison it.

I'd buy that for a dollar.

The Hobbit movies have actually underperformed (especially compared to LOTR) they may actually just be hoping to bump numbers up by putting the trailer before the last one.

I would have agreed about Daddario, but True Detective made me a believer...