Thayder, SJW

I can understand your point, but knowing a little about how these features are made, I doubt they spent ANY money on it. It was probably just a few people.. maybe a couple of PA's, maybe an assistant director, a hastily written script, and then a weekend with an editing program. All of that other stuff takes time

The problem is YOU don't understand time travel fiction. You are treating these movies like a coherent string. The crap you typed may be their official description of what happened, but if it was, it is only because this series started logically and semi consistent with the first two movies and then devolved to what

There have been 39 school shootings this year so far. That is not hyperbole, that is a trend.

I have some idea of the character and she should probably be in mid 20's to early 30's. I know I am weird in that I don't like Charlize in 90% of her movies. Hancock and Aeon Flux helped shape that dislike. :p

Chloe could be awesome, she has definitely got the talent

I am not an expert on how old she should be, my point in saying Charlize was too old was an indelicate way of my saying that I just don't like her as an actor and feel almost anybody would be better.

I can understand how it is more frustrating to you. And I am regretful for that. I was born a christian and have since pretty much become an atheist, so my glee comes from being an outsider observing all this.

That has been my favorite part of all this. All these people freaking out, completely not realizing that this is NOT a new thing.

Yeah because art is never allowed to be criticized... said no art critic ever. Nice try in attempting to pull the "freedom" card.

Erin and Anna, thank you for my first big laugh of the morning. You ladies rock.

My first thought... That both Grant and Christian were right about the other.

I would imagine more plot point then just a joke.

And a very fair argument... I am just not a fan of Charlize... but thats just me.

Awwww I CAN have my opinion?



Wait.. are you saying that a heavily edited folk story that was passed down for a few thousand years orally before being written down and then gone through several hundred different editions with no focus on accuracy at all is not in the same department as facts that can be gleaned from hard cold science,

I think Sackhoff would be awesome, imho. Winnick or Blunt could be good, though Anna Torv comes off wooden to me. Though to be fair, I am only now seeing her in Fringe and am just over halfway done with the show.

Five years is almost a decade in actress years. And yes she will be forty when the first movie goes in production... which means she will be 45 when the second goes in... I am looking at a longevity route here.