Thayder, SJW

I am with. Sackhoff or bust

Would much rather Katie, then Charlize...

Charlize is a wee bit old for this methinks.

Consistently one of my favorite shows to watch. Adore the cast, the writing, and the direction has really gone a step up this year. Not to mention the effects are pretty decent for primetime TV, especially when you find out they sometimes have only a week to finish the CGI for an episode.

Isn't there enough teen angst and violence and sex and magic in Shakespeare???

You are correct, these people deserve to be "KHAAANNNNNN"ed...

Loved that series, probably my favorite by Anthony.

Oh I thought it was fairly decent

I doubt they would let you go completely off world, could totally see maybe utilizing a moon though...


And I am sure there will be DLC released down the road that expands the core game more and more. The Civ V that was released a few years ago bears little resemblance to Brave New World.

The voice gave me chills. Many kudos to the spademan.

Yeah, I got into a huge Facebook fight last year with a clueless friend. She got the vaccination and "got" sick the next day and blamed it on the shot.

Yeah and maybe you give the flu to someone who can't get the vaccine, thus endangering someone else's life so you can play video games for a week.

Thats awesome, I'm yoinking.

I would see either the Nexus or the Guardian being his tools.

He's 82 and a cultural icon for fifty years, I doubt he is overly concerned by either.

Agreed, I think somebody is brainwashed, but it will be someone less obvious.