Thayder, SJW

I imagine they were wanting to avoid the fantasy trope of THE ALMIGHTY PROPHECY. Plus I imagine they made those rules knowing they would broken.

I still get chills during "War Stories" when Soldier Mal comes out to play.

I didn't either... I may have to check some of her stuff out.

Well we know that Wards brother is a senator and it has been alluded that he is with HYDRA, So mayhaps they are not worried about hiding because they still have moles in power.

That is certainly part of it methinks, one could argue that they resent having to hide and now that they no longer have to do so, they are coming out of the closet (as it were) with great pride.

We are so used to terrorism in the form of dirty guys in rags that when faced with an organized army that had been hiding in plain sight for fifty years we complain about their structure and logos. Symbols are an important part of any movement, and HYDRA exists because of believers (well that and brainwashing,

"Chances are none of you know this happens all the time, and no one will "approve" this post because you're all happier to just believe men are evil pieces of shit."

Have you ever been with or around someone that has to keep moving because they are terrified for their life? Do you know the toll that causes on a human being? They don't get a suite at the Radison and munch on bon bons... they are constantly looking over their shoulder, any loud noise could be the sound of a

What core cannon may I ask? Not looking for a fight, just curious.

And the horrid finale to season 1. EPIC BATTLE reduced to pathetic nothing

Loved the first season of Andromeda... have never actually seen the others and frankly probably never will.

That was always the mantra from the beginning of the show though. Buffy is feeling isolated and alone, make up a monster that ties to that issue. Buffy and Riley really need to talk... let's take away their voices. etc etc...

I wouldn't say its the best but its definitely better then the first.

That would be totally FREAKING COOL

So forgive what may be an ignorant question, if volcanoes were erupting at that time could that have affected stuff here on earth?

I guess its a good thing climate has never played into any battle ever...

Thoroughly agreed.

I wouldn't worry too much. It's not going to be the same and plus we have no idea how messed up things can get in AoU.

They were "lucky" and didn't get autism.

I think you lack the understanding of why research studies are done. But nice way to try to capture that Palin "They're stupidly studying fruit flies" magic.