Thayder, SJW

Yes but in this political "fairyland" we are rapidly becoming a joke in the world. Scientists will begin going to other countries where they are not treated like pariahs and marginalized and all that American innovation that we all just love so much will vanish. And we will be a country of idiots.

libertarians all sound like this to me for some reason

These gamer gate people are just like all those innocent white southerners that just so happened to like wearing white hoods before the Civil war and the lynchings and stuff began...

I'm guessing you are unaware of what the actual words: pseudo, data, and surveys mean.

Yup... victimized like all those poor souls that just liked meandering around in white hoods in the south before the civil war and all that lynching stuff.


Hear ads every week talking about how the oil and gas industry in the area is safer then houses and washington is just trying to kill jobs.

Right??? why shouldn't we use the same infrastructure thats been around for fifty years...?

Yeah I have friends who work in the oil and gas industry in that area and their bosses have many meetings where they tell the employees who to vote for, how the liberal guy will destroy their job and their family.

Susana Martinez.......

Awesome... I live in that red part...

Actually I live in the middle of that little red spot and they are doing everything they can to avoid implementation. It is not unknown to hear of "second amendment" solutions if some "pencil pusher from Washington" dares to enforce that regulation.

And still so chipper.. even his fractured persona is still too nice...

Anyone who had to hug the Shrike and his tree...

Look no further...

Veronica played by Dwayne the Rock Johnson because an actual woman playing Veronica wouldn't appeal to regular Americans...

Ice Pirates kicks ass!

I was maybe seven or eight and I saw a little plastic alien toy in one of those supermarket dispensers for fifty cents that looked just like that little bugger and embarrassed the hell out of my mom when my young voice pierced the store, "Look Mom!!! Space Herpes!!"

I took it to mean that they have nothing to fear so they are brazenly hanging their logo up. We know they have at least one senator in their pocket and probably a lot more since the military seems to only be going after SHIELD.

Where would you like it to park Mr. Jr?