After that.....this happened.
After that.....this happened.
Amen. Being a man, albeit with a wife who is currently 20 weeks pregnant – I entirely agree with your post. Abortion is a really ineffective and shitty form of birth control. So much so that very few people actually use it as such. So many pro-lifers hang on to that one in a thousand instance of someone wanting a late…
Yeah, but does your coffee table have a working model train layout in it? Endlessly fascinating, it holds kid’s attention like nothing else.
This is a real thing that happens, and it’s compketely fucked. But Matt Lauer was paid a lot because he was a tent pole in NBC News’ brand. Why viewers were so loyal to him, I’ll never know. But comparing two women who haven’t been huge names at NBC for decades with a man who basically *was* NBC for decades isn’t…
Technically I’m a Xennial, a smaller demographic between Gen X and Millennials. I own a TV and watch my laptop in bed!
This reads like “how to build a case for relocating a sports team in the very near future.” Claim you need more fan support to be viable; fail to get said support; run back to the owners begging to move to Vegas or whatever.
I feel like making unsuspecting people angry is the goal of any parody.
5 (maybe?) Stop spending so much money on making crap movies. If they stopped spending so much on crap, maybe they wouldn’t have to charge so much to make back the money they lost (I don’t know how the movie business works, so if this is wrong, just calmly tell me and save the rant).
I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.
“transgender people don’t do this. Like, they don’t have sex with people without telling them they’re transgender.”
Smart transgender people don’t do this, no. Not so smart transgender people.. I mean they usually don’t get to the actually having sex part, but definitely approaching people for sex without telling them…
Wait, roast beef is popular on Christmas, and it’s common in Japan? TIL.
It’s because he has a big brain!
The 6-6 consolation bowls are mostly trash, sure, but I bet there’s plenty of seniors on those actually eligible Buffalo, Western Michigan, and UTSA teams who aren’t going to the NFL and would love one more game before their football careers are over.
I’m not surprised. Messing up a math problem and Florida State have long gone hand in hand.
Some of them were heard encouraging attendees to leave to have sex quickly so that they could return to solicit another attendee before the party was over, according to one person who was there.
Fun fact about Titanic. When I was 13, it was the only movie my family owned that had nudity in it and I used to know exactly how long it took for the VHS to fast forward or rewind to the painting scene and how much time I had to check if the coast was clear.
Not disputing the woman’s privilege, not least of all for how this is being covered.
The plotting itself in Act 2 was pointless. What Rian Johnson was trying to do (I’m not sure I totally agree with his decisions) was take the usual harebrained Star Wars convoluted Hail Mary hero plan and make it fail. And fail spectacularly.