
How well do you think Georgia handles snowfall on its roads?

I’m just so sorry this poor women was constantly racially profiled on her way to racially profile.

I applaud the two women for also having the foresight - and agility - to not only beat his ass but not destroy the evidence in the process. Sweet.

So, now he’s piss-poor?

Seriously, having an experienced genre-savvy character in the MCU would be great.

Breaking news: No one is 100% good or bad.

Holy Crap!

Still whining about the Frozen short? Sounds like someone needs to...

Disney executive #1 “Young children are fine sitting in a theater for over two hours at a time, right?”

This remote outpost on the galaxy’s edge was once a busy crossroads along the old sub-lightspeed trade routes, but its prominence was bypassed by the rise of hyperspace travel.

“The Problem with Porgs”.

See, as much as I want the FF back in the MCU, this is why I don’t want Disney to buy 20th Century Fox. There’s NO WAY that Disney would have done a trailer this wonderful and hilarious. Kudos, Fox.

This was a very worthy comment. I want another.

I bought one of these, but they can’t ship it to me until they find a UPS driver who is worthy enough to lift it onto their truck.

Polaris’ shitty Danger Room is once again an utter delight. This week’s lesson: dodging bricks.

“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”

Good for her. Now if we can only convince women not to work with Woody Allen and Roman Polanski, maybe those two creeps can fade from public consciousness.

Fuck yes. This is courageous.

Fun fact: all manned space capsules have emergency Launch Escape Systems (LES), but they’ve been used only once. Soyuz T-10a (1983) caught fire on the pad; the crew escaped via the LES with only two seconds to spare. They pulled some 17 gees for five seconds and were seriously bruised, but survived otherwise uninjured.