
I liked last night’s pilot episode. It felt like a fanfic mash-up of ST:TNG and ST:DS9. Even down to the score and sound effects. I didn’t realize how much I wanted something like that until last night.

Here’s the thing: I don’t think MacFarlane intended it to be a parody. I think he meant for it to be a loving homage to Star Trek: The Next Generation, albeit with dick jokes. Compared to something like Galaxy Quest or Other Space, it’s pretty much a straight pastiche of TNG with a lot of Family Guy-style humor

maybe, and likely. but that’s for the insurance company to decide, not this asshole.

While being buried up to almost the roofline like that means it probably was going to get written off by insurance anyway, the fuck gives some asshole in a douchebro truck the right to feel like it’s ok to drive over the top of it? And that lamesauce excuse of “Well... we weren’t the first or the last to do it...”

I want a small story, like Spider-Man Homecoming. Spidey stopped thieves, no Infinity Stones, no Thanos, just some bluecollar thieves. No saving the Galaxy, fulfilling prophecy, destiny, bullshit. Just a small story contained to Tatooine, look no further than spaghetti western, and wandering samurai stories for

I thought this was the redesign of the Wolverine/Batman amalgam Dark Claw for a second there...

I really enjoyed the resurrection of my favorite running joke, “Fewer”. Nice to see Davos carrying on Stannis’ crusade for proper grammar.

We are in 2017, we need pictures:

“It looks like the Frog is out of the show.”

No, but it’s a much better idea to me than a Han Solo one.

I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:

The third roommate, a diehard Babylon 5 fan, was completely ignored by everyone.

Came here for Gendry.

This is one of the dumbest articles I’ve ever seen on this site.

Simple counter point...Moon Girl, Blade, Rocket, Vixen, Steel, Aqualad, John Stewart, Firestorm, Cyborg, Maggot, Spawn, Falcon, Bumblebee, War Machine, Bishop, Mr. Terrific...I’m sure there are more, but I hope you see my point. You blocked off a nice, convenient collection of names (and its a absolute stretch to

Everything about this article, with the exception of those shitty stickers, is

If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

Now THAT is listening to your customers!

In fairness, that was 1991.