
Gearbox is a Texas company and is bound by Texas law – which means that a person cannot be denied employment because of membership or non-membership in a labor union or other labor organization.

On one hand, I agree that it just seems like it hasn’t been nearly long enough since the Ballpark was finished to justify a new stadium. At the same time, it’s really freaking hot there a lot of the time. The Ballpark is gorgeous, but other modern, southern sporting facilities have climate control. I think I remember

Part of this is that it’s dumb because they block any digital game from being played on the other console if any other digital game is played on the current console. So we’re not even taking about playing the same game, we’re talking about playing 2 different games. It’s a scenario that works fine if you buy physical

These headaches are 100% the reason I haven’t bought a second Switch yet. And why I haven’t bought a digital game in months. Right now, all of our digital games are on my account, whether it’s a game I play or a game only the kids play. If we get another Switch, it’s not an easy decision where to house my Nintendo

Something I thought was fun as a kid was the presence specifically of characters from Super Mario Bros 2, which was ALSO a big dream.

I was too distracted by the Sharkticon on the right side to notice the Switch problem

This doesn’t help student athletes. This helps elite student athletes. So now your star QB is banking, meanwhile the guys busting their assess to protect him still have the same problem they do today.

Didn’t they do this with college last year, too? I feel like I remember complaining about this last year...

I get more annoyed by the ones I can’t do anything with. I have 3 items for Hilda, and since I went Black Eagle, I never get the menu option to return her items.

Since you manually manage your instruction, I’m surprised you skip this, considering that lost items will max out motivation when returned.

They took these all away from my local Taco Bells months ago. I regularly voiced my displeasure at no more Double Decker Tacos (even though they literally still have all of the ingredients, they wouldn’t make one). The only Dorito taco option has been Nacho Cheese for me for quite some time.

This is the sort of thing you give to your kid instead of having to share a family Switch, or else suggest to your girlfriend or boyfriend. This is console meant for traveling, for sitting in the park or flying on a plane.

Well, looks to be sold out already. Only available from 3rd party sellers now...

Well, looks to be sold out already. Only available from 3rd party sellers now...

Fun facts:

We have a few friends who play, and my wife and I went out and about for the event. I was honestly disappointed. There wasn’t much out there that wasn’t always available - the typical amount of uncommon-rare foundables in any other 4 hour window. I did, however, rescue something like 10 Hufflepuff students while we

If Nintendo would ever implement a family digital library, I’d buy 2 of these.

Was excited about this as a possibility for the kid at first, but then no TV mode and still no method of family sharing of digital games makes this a hard “pass.”

Never had so many stars on a post and still be gray. Yay?

When Treyarch sends out surveys about company health, testers aren’t included. When the company holds all-hands meetings, testers aren’t invited.

Look, I know the gaming industry has some big problems, but the treatment of contractors like this is in EVERY industry. Not saying it’s right, but it’s nothing unique to the hot mess that is the gaming industry.