
If Nintendo would ever implement a family digital library, I’d buy 2 of these.

Was excited about this as a possibility for the kid at first, but then no TV mode and still no method of family sharing of digital games makes this a hard “pass.”

Counterpoint - the people (acquaintances or love interests) that haven’t known the hero long being treated like “they have to be told” sort of diminishes the secret identity to begin with. It’s always bugged me when someone just starts dating and the “you have to tell her your secret” crap comes out that soon. There’s

Never had so many stars on a post and still be gray. Yay?

When Treyarch sends out surveys about company health, testers aren’t included. When the company holds all-hands meetings, testers aren’t invited.

Look, I know the gaming industry has some big problems, but the treatment of contractors like this is in EVERY industry. Not saying it’s right, but it’s nothing unique to the hot mess that is the gaming industry.

So you’re saying that this is a problem because queer people don’t *look* queer?

Basing inclusion of characters off of one bad movie (Spider-Man 3) is an odd road to take.

“If the genders were opposite in that dynamic, it’d be inevitable- that’s how strong the subtext is”

But random inclusion is how you get more of the population acclimated to it. Random background characters’ sexuality are almost never important, or even known. Having it come up in casual conversation makes it feel more real to the average viewer than seeing every intimate moment of someone’s life on screen.

Love the series, but it’s a long road to Winternight. Whatever chapter that is, that’s where the book finally gets good.

The problem with how they Texas GOP advertisers is that the bulk of the mailers and phone calls that go out focus on “We’re conservative. Vote for us, because we’re conservative!” There’s nothing to reach out to anyone who is not already a Republican. Cruz started putting out some actual platform type stuff, but half

I feel like most of the guys have the same face with different hair applied...

Except White Knight isn’t even in the main continuity, so what does it matter if he makes up some explanation that’s only technically valid in their little side universe?

I had mixed feelings. It was ok. Better than Last Stand and Apocalypse. One of the bigger issues I had was Jean and Scott were just introduced into the new films in Apocalypse, so I feel like it’s harder for the audience to really get invested in them and how everything is impacting Jean. This is a character driven

The first Sanderson book undid Mat’s character development from half of the series. He was called out on it and corrected some in his second book.

The only thing that had ever really stuck in DC Comics was Barry Allen’s sacrifice. It lasted, what, 20 years? A true hero’s sacrifice that left a lasting impact on chacters in-universe. Then Dan DiDio decided he wanted Barry back, so here we are...

Was turned off a little by the art style, so didn’t get out to it with all of the other random movies out.

I can’t imagine that a film would actually use the characters established. This is more likely just something set in the general timeframe, possibly acknowledging some major events. Lots of Jedi, lots of Sith.

I was just telling a friend the other day how I hated how most of the CW show futures are so grim that it’s hard to feel good about accomplishments in the present. I love that Legends sort of tossed that out of there this week and now there’s a more optimistic future.