
I really wish they’d expand Legends to full length seasons. This extended hiatus sucks!

No importance to things like the Republic or the Empire (or any sort of government), but it’s implied from the beginning that it’s a hot spot for crime and shady characters. “Scum and villainy” and all that. The combination of Skywalker family roots and it being the galactic slums don’t make it important to everyone

Something in the vein of Batman: Hush or Batman Eternal are decent detective stories. Also, the recent TellTale games are more in that vein, too.

I missed the original Playstation era (upgraded from SNES to original Xbox). I went back and tried to play the original Resident Evil a couple of years ago and got so annoyed the inventory management that I put it down probably less than an hour in. I keep thinking about going back, but inventory management is a

Half of what people hate about the science in this movie makes assumptions about the fictional universe. NASA centers almost always look nothing like they do in movies, yet that’s not bad science. Spacecraft in everything not explicitly historical (i.e. Apollo 13) are never quite right. Why must we assume that

I never really liked her in Castle, but absolutely love her in this show. Also, I never noticed the green highlights until this season - is that new?  I usually don’t notice these things, but it really works.

Calling Highlander: The Source a heaping pile of garbage is an insult to heaping piles of garbage.

The perpetual elections of Steve King by Iowa make me question why we as a nation care so much about the state of Iowa as it relates to presidential primaries...

Maybe I read this wrong, but how is a bill that increases punishment for actually killing someone anti-BLM? Is BLM officially in favor of killing now? Because I feel like that’s a game-changer for the movement if it is.

I tried to play the first game on PS3 a few years ago and got bored before I got off the island. I’m not sure the gameplay has aged well...

KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut are all owned by the same company and all missing. I’m sure there’s a $$$ reason for that...

The Robert April book was one of my favorites - Best Destiny. I thought it was a fun Kirk origin story about why he got interested in Starfleet.  I’m not even sure if the existence of Robert April is supposed to be canon or not.

I’ve recently seen Miles toys labeled as “Kid Arachnid” - so I’m not sure where that’s coming from or going...

Brief update on that, I heard last night all cafeteria workers at Johnson Space Center have been laid off. But you know, vacation and all, right?

Even if Trump gets around to signing the bill, there are 2 big issues here still.

Pretty sure it’s been passed by both houses, but not signed by Trump yet.

He’s probably talking worldwide gross. Both Deadpool and Deadpool 2 grossed in the mid-upper 700s. Not “easy” for 800, but not crazy either.

I think it varies a lot by setup. I took the SAT once and the ACT twice. SAT I took in a class room, no empty seats. Same for first time ACT. Second time ACT I took in a college library at the tables in the main area. I think those we may have had space around us then, since we shared table space (maybe skip a seat?)

The whole thing feels weird, but he makes a valid point for a biology class.

To be fair, that’s in west Texas, and it was probably already 70 degrees again because of our schizo weather.