
White shirt guy was not the one who touched anything.

Creep AF

I started watching the show in season 5, went back and watched every episode and read all of the comics. I’m having a hard time keeping interested in the show with Rick leaving, and the current season is sitting on my DVR unwatched. If it was just Rick, that’d be one thing, but they just got rid of Carl last season,

I’m thinking Diaz might end up on Oliver’s side by the end. Diaz always wanted to get back at the people who looked down on him, and now Diggle and Dinah are going after the white collar punk who had allegedly been Diaz’s supplier.

This feels an awful lot like today when Fox News complained that Jamie Lee Curtis is in favor of gun control, but that her character in a movie used a gun.

Are we ignoring the Lightning Lad name drop?

No surprise that indicted AG Ken Paxton isn’t on this list. He’s too busy campaigning for all of his buddies to actually pretend to do his job as Texas AG.

Glad this is getting more attention. My wife and I got a local business to add them in for the men’s room after we saw their brand new place didn’t bother with them.

Tons of J. Jonah Jameson’s broadcasts during the game touched on this, and several of them actually made pretty legit points. He also addressed the survellance as well. I think a lot of people that complained haven’t played much of the game.

This is partly just the nature of some Cruz supporters. My wife has done some canvasing for Beto, targeting houses with “likely democratic” voters, and occasionally they’re either mistaken, or, more likely, there’s a college-age voter registered there and mom or dad answers the door assuming that their child would

Even if you make it smaller, it’s still not going to be pocket-sized due to the overall design and buttons/joysticks sticking out. DS is also cheaper and easier for households with multiple kids to have their own. Nintendo above all other hardware developers keeps kids in mind in how they do things.

Honestly, I think this is half of the city ordinance issues here. What covers cleanliness standard for stuff like this?

I walked out of Reloaded cautiously optimistic. I enjoyed it, but I felt like nothing was resolved and it was just build-up. I was cool with this, because Revolutions was coming out really soon afterward. Revolutions then just sort of messed up the whole thing.

Well done. I was getting pissed in the first sentence and appreciated the brilliance of the post when I started the second.

I skipped from SNES to Xbox, so I missed the whole Playstation 1 generation. After I got my PS3 and a big screen TV, I decided to play through Metal Gear Solid, since the PS3 was backwards compatible. The polygon style does not look good on a big screen. In fact, it looked pretty awful. That experience has kept me

Shes been mentioned like once in my playthrough. I assume she’s just not there.

So, were they supposed to go tell the lootershey, it’s cool to take stuff from this store, just maybe don’t take stuff from anywhere else? Dollar General doesn’t get to decide the overall message on looting for the whole area, and I doubt the looters care either way what people think.

The only difference I’ve noticed since this update is that now my controller occasionally loses connection while I’m sitting on my couch. It’s like all of a sudden I’m on the fringe of the connection range, when it’s exactly the same as it’s always been.

Basically, you can’t trash talk anymore. People are way too sensitive nowadays. There’s nothing inherently racist here, just people getting their feelings hurt by normal college trash talk. I guess the appropriate response in today’s world is to go cry about it, rather than try and come up with a clever response.

I think it’s a seam. Looking down at the star on the chest, I don’t see how a zipper nicely integrates into it. There’s also no visible zipper at the top.