
But does it hurt, if it draws in someone who doesn’t know anything about Orion who was reading something random on another kinja site? It’s not like a clickbait headline that leads to an annoying 30 slide gallery with 45 ads per page. It also wasn’t inaccurate.

If you’re aborting, there’s a chance it’s not flying smoothly anyway. There’s a number of malfunctions that could be illustrated, but might as well just model a “nominal” function of the system without some arbitrary high winds or randomly malfunctioning ascent stage.

If it were equally as horrifying, does that make the headline wrong? Does everyone on the internet already know how Apollo worked?

It’s not just parachutes. It would require a fully functional Forward Bay Cover release mechanism, command capability to fire off the parachutes, etc. This way they can basically drop a big aluminum can out of the LAS instead of developing a semi-functional capsule. Ideally we would do it, but there are other drop

I’d love to see a Darth Bane sort of story. The novel trilogy had it’s problems, but if you took the basic idea of the first novel and just expanded it however the hell you wanted, it could be a good story, following the Sith into the rule of 2 and their disappearance from general knowledge.

And now I’ve got Calendar Girl stuck in my head. And the image of Morena Baccarin on the table...

Backwards compatability is a big part of why I even have an Xbox One hooked up. I’m happy with my PS4, but I have a decently big PS3 backlog and it annoys me to have to fire up the PS3 to play those. I’ve been an Xbox Live Gold member for awhile, so my Xbox One is loaded with backwards compatible games ready to

Actually, everything needed was given for kinetic energy, E = (1/2)mv^2

Again, they did this with Green Lantern, back when it was supposed to help kick things off and it blew up in their collective faces. The tease of Sinestro going yellow mid-credits was building up to a big sequel that never happened. I think recently it’s been more of DC being gun-shy because they tried this already

It’ll be a much bigger deal if the go the comics route with Aaron’s next relationship...

I fail so see how this helps for those of us with Z-wave devices. I still need to buy a separate hub, right?

If you don’t think there’s a reason for black folks to go to the polls, you have zero understanding of how our government works. And you’re contributing to the problem as much as any one on the other side.

Morgan’s been broken since Rick, Carl, and Michonne found him after his son died. His time becoming a zen master was a temporary fix. All it did was give him something new to focus on. His mind is so broken, he can’t really reason - he just commits himself to singular idea and rolls with it. Once Carol convinced him

Pretty sure it’s automatically a felony because he’s an on-duty police officer. There’s not really a lot of room for interpretation there. There can be discretion in charges I suppose, but law is law.

None of this matters if voters who lean Democrat continue to ignore every race that doesn’t involve the US President. Republicans have been killing it in midterms for years because they still vote in the other elections. Voting pushes are relatively non-existent in non-presidential years.

It’s been years since I read through Ultimate Spider-Man, and I forgot just how much I love how they handled JJJ. Thanks for the reminder.

You know, I was excited when Ant Man was going to be a heist movie. And it was, until the last quarter of it.

Forced immigration is still immigration.

During a meltdown with my then-3 year old in Target, I was terrified security/police/some random stranger was going to confront me as I removed him from the store. My wife was in the checkout line and he was kicking, flailing, and panic-screaming for his mommy as I speed-walked him out. It’s a tricky thing, because

Is it limited to a single physical store, or can you go to multiple to open up stock level options?