
Yes, it would be much better that their stories and histories are forgotten, than to allow any descendants of the White Man to comment on or mention their culture.

This has been pretty apparent since the post-movie wave of Force Awakens merchandise replaced all of the old “Anakin” sabers with “Rey” sabers. I don’t really see how this is news - it’s been that way for about a year.

The principal is an idiot. That said, there are idiots everywhere. An important lesson everyone should learn in their life is picking your battles. This one was clearly not worth it. Is it a stupid rule? Yes. Did the principal over-react? Yes. Was it worth picking THIS fight to make your big stand on? With the stakes?

The violence against the family is supposed to make you feel horrified and uncomfortable. I’d argue that if it’s toned down too much, the people above (and elsewhere) that felt greatly affected by it would not have had as strong of a reaction.

There was a separate full blown Rocket wandering around a couple of days. On one of those days, Rocket also wore a Star Wars rebel pilot suit over the fur. I really wish I’d gotten a pic.

The two biggest reasons I’m excited for this is because, unlike the other CW shows this is not an “origin story”, and because he’s not a teen-twentysomething coming to terms with his power.

I’m sure it’s a quality book, but I haven’t read it. If someone just gave it to me, sure, I’d read it. I get enough exposure to the struggles of minorities and the evils of the white man and the establishment in the news and on the internet without paying ~$4 for it in comic book form. Everything I’ve seen on this

This is just some of them, and honestly, only about half would probably have been on my personal top list. I saw 1-2 better Nightwings and 2 better Starfires. Lots of good, quality Star Wars (not just 501st). Lots of good DC characters in general. Many different iterations of Spider-Man. And so much Overwatch...

Latino is already gender-neutral/covering all ethnicities from Latin America and its descendants.

Except that’s not even remotely true. Coke Zero has a completely different flavor than Diet Coke, and I know as many women as men who drink it. Diet Coke does slant female, but you might as well say that Diet Pepsi is the same as Diet Mt. Dew while you’re at it.

A couple of years ago, I’d say that’s the worst Joker I’ve ever seen. But then Suicide Squad came out, so this is a solid #2.

I’ve heard terrible things about Shadow Dragon. I kind of want it just to play the first game released (originally), but everything I’ve heard is terrible in terms of gameplay. I also don’t understand why it’s on the Wii U VC but not the 3DS.

Fates: Conquest is the only one I’ve finished so far (big backlog). It was my first Fire Emblem game, and even though I played on casual, it’s tough in spots. There’s not as much opportinuty to get your characters leveled, and I played the whole game without ever having the opportunity for kids - relationships just

As much as I loved this game, Quest for Glory IV was my favorite of the series. In fact, that’s what got me into the series (I played KQ, PQ, SQ when they were new, but was late to QFG).  Yes, it was buggy as all hell, but it was fun, and from what I remember the voice acting was pretty good, incorporating some

The art and the fact that I buy too many books monthly already have stopped me from trying this. It sounds fun, but I don’t know if I can stomach this art continuously.

Clearly he’s never seen a zero gravity flight full of people before. Even with anti-naseau meds there’s almost always someone who throws up on the first parabola, and those are less than a minute long.

While I understand the gripe, there are about 11 years between Episodes 1 and 2. And what ship from Episode 1 would return? Maul was gone, we don’t have reason to see Naboo fighters anymore, and I’d imagine Naboo roylaty has a small fleet of ships to choose from. Between Episodes 2 and 3 a full scale war breaks out

They had to do this. In the pilot there’s this his mask with an arrow through it when he gets picked up off of the island. Can’t let that go unexplained.

I assumed that the rebel pilots had something to do with that crashed X-wing that you see the Stormtroopers around, but was never really sure where it was supposed to have come from. Saw’s group makes sense.

Do we know if the story is taking into account events in the comic adaption? This sounds like part of a pretty important part of the comic run.