
The photo feels like an attack to me because it’s so aggressively white.

The problem with Kristin Davis’s face is the same as Jennifer Aniston’s on the Friends reunion. Far too much filler and Botox.

Right? Looks like she’s wearing panty hose about to rob a bank.

Hard to say. Looks like Charlotte lost the ability to project facial emotion about six surgeries ago.

Something about Carrie’s shoes is giving me Clive Barker, which honestly would make this whole thing much more interesting to me.

Charlotte is barely recognizable. 

Samantha tragically passed away in 2017 of Turbo Gonorrhea. The first few episodes will deal with coming to grips with her loss. In her place will be a no-nonsense, hip black woman, which is a fresh trope we’ve never seen before.

There’s a lot of White Feminism TM going on in there about “I experience 1 form of oppression, therefore EVERYTHING I DO IS OPPRESSED” as well as some serious Choice Feminism, i.e. “I demand that because I am a woman and I chose to read this that I be considered an empowered feminist because I made a choice”.

Thank you for correcting this horrific misnaming of the frozen treat. As a native Philadelphian I was horrified.

Putting “Italian ice” in the headline of this article is an affront to Philadelphia and I won’t stand for it. Wooder ice forever! 

Oh man, I’m so bummed that Rita’s Ice didn’t send that mascot there to hold the sign. If it makes you feel any better, the Kool-Aid Man is pro-choice (Kraft Heinz donates to Planned Parenthood).  And thank god we’ll always have Ben & Jerry’s.  

I mean, the dude cast himself in his own movie so he could say “nigger” without any consequences. Calling him an asshole is probably being charitable.

“Quentin Tarantino is a borderline sociopath, and an entitled jackass, news at eleven”.

I always knew Tarantino was an asshole, but... not quite at this level. His behavior and treatment of Uma (along with Weinstein’s, obviously) is disgusting. There should be repercussions for Quentin’s absurd negligence.

So when is Tarantino going down?

I’m looking forward to this bringing down Tarantino. Overrated hack