Sarah Vee

Many women don’t have problems finding interested men, it’s true. Even when they don’t want them. You’re conflating multiple with desired. Almost every woman over the age of 12 probably has multiple stories about unwanted advances. Having guys hurl dicks at you isn’t desirable for everyone. If all I want is a

The Debbie plotline is pretty pointless so far—I guess Holden needs a private life to bounce thoughts off of, but the sex scenes are weirdly jarring. It’s like something from a self-consciously edgy HBO show.

Sir, you are BALDING. No one notices your bod, Dad or otherwise, because of that giant blank space on your head.

I’ve been a dude on the internet since 1992. There is no point in the last 25 years that I’ve experienced anything close to the shit women get.

Nope. Not even close. I am a man who is frequently online and I have never and will never face the kind of harassment women do.

Do you really think that men face as much harassment as women online? Honestly?

Jesus Tapdancing Christ! The women who write the show these fuckheads love so much are getting harassed & doxxed for writing the show these fuckheads love so much. That is android head-exploding levels of irrationality.

Source: Me. My son was less than 2 months old when I left my ex-husband. I was about 7 months pregnant when I found out he was having an emotional affair with a coworker of ours. I moved in with my in-laws, who knew the reasons behind our split.

Men Are Talking
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“It’s just words, folks,” Donald Trump said during the debate on Sunday night. Trump had been asked by moderators

Because I write for Jezebel and don’t know what sports are.

I’m sorry that your management places so much value on appearance. It sounds like you dress appropriately for your job, but if you do want to expand your wardrobe, consider Goodwill. I’ve found nice jackets, sweaters, and skirts there from brands like Banana Republic, Brooks Brothers, and Ann Taylor. Good luck to you!

My Life As a Bonerkiller

I wasn’t planning to poke his boner. But as I sat beside my boyfriend, watching Blood Simple, I could feel what was