In other words it’ll be just like the el and subway system currently in Chicago?
In other words it’ll be just like the el and subway system currently in Chicago?
I mount my phone in a dashboard cradle for the GPS. For tunes I select a station or my playlist on Pandora and just leave it. Luckily I can skip or replay songs using steering wheel controls.
Since when is it wrong to loiter by a taco truck?
Poor woman.
But I’ll probably go with the assault and battery that shut down the old Subaru Thursday Borders meets in Schaumburg.
That’s awful :(
I’m the same way as you. I ignore people unless they’ve driven me into a rage, literally, then I shoot them dead with my eyes and imagine them careening off the road in an epic fireball.
Correction: All car commercials *except* Audi ones suck.
Actually, they are showing up in the US now.
Earlier this year, my father treated me to round-trip first class tickets to California. I’ve flown many times but never anywhere near first class so I was very excited!
Goddammit, I told my coworkers to stop cutting onions.
I know selling cars can be hard work, but auto-decapitation is taking it a touch far.
My 1997 VW Jetta didn’t try to kill me but tried to break my spirit. It ran great except when:
What about preventing carbon build-up with long drives or an “Italian tuneup”? This is recommended for the 4-cylinder TSI engines common in VAG cars, but could it apply to *any* car?
Or duct taped it to the rear license plate.