
Holy shit that was awesome… but my stupid pirated copy cut off the last 5 minutes… I'll have to steal it again!

It just popped up all over the internets

how long ago did it end?

It'll be on web in about an hour, so don't get your panties in a Cumberbatch.


I torrented it cause I didnt want to wait until 9PM… It was awesome.

Those Laurel Canyon Ruffians…

The Queen is Dawes!

The ancient Mayans foretold that the 3rd Dawes album would bring about the end of time.

Some DAWES are bigger than others…

I'm confident that Dawes will be with the AV Club into the New Year.

Gang of Four and QOTSA. I had Entertainment on my hard  drive for 2 years randomly put it on and blew my mind like 20 seconds in…

I dig your tweed coat. I'll trade you a domino this size, mothball-scented…but in a totally ironic way…

A little too much, but can we just just start a never ending thread of Capt. Beefheart quotes.
I'll start: Lucid tentacles test 'n sleeved
'n joined 'n jointed jade pointed
Diamond back patterns
Neon meate dream of a octafish 
Artifact on rose petals
'n flesh petals 'n pots

Integer overflow.

A squid eating Dawes in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?

Real Housewives of Laurel Canyon?

Dawes did release the most important album in the history of the AV Club comments sections.

Why hasn't there been a band that passes the Five Boring Yet Important Album Test?

Which are totally a thing that exists