

Fucking sobriety… how does it work?

FACT: The Ace of Spades makes everything taste sweeter.

You fool! Turn off your radio and roll down your windows….That Laurel Canyon Sound can be heard all around you.

May cause: Ocular Dysphagia, Cauliflower Jaw, and That Laurel Canyon Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Dawes L'rehl Cn'ynn wgah'nagl fhtagn

From Annie or Britta?

I think a single listening of Nothing Is Wrong would undo Brody and Walker's terrorist brainwashing.

Yeah I'm really disturbed that Dawes wasn't anywhere besides Hydens list… They got a B+ for crying out loud!

I was ensured that B+ meant Nothing Is Wrong would top the year end list.

But this new comment system really kills my Buzz.

Not sure what I said, but That Laurel Canyon Sounds been banned from posting for the last few weeks, Which is really unfortunate. I can still make Dawes jokes but its not the same without the best name ever.

Unfortunately Hyden banned me, and now I'm reduced the non-union Mexican commenter equivalent.

BNL Forever!

Unchanged…most of us would paint our brains on the ceiling by track 6.

You sir, are a mouthful!

Holy shit that was alienating and unmarketable! Loved it…but damn!

This show is really funny and has incredible writing…but I would do absolutely anything to kill it in order to save Community.

It'll be buried on a Friday night release.

Why didn't VanDerWerff review this?