You forgot his most important role: Frank, Rod Kimble’s stepfather in Hot Rod, whose heart condition inspires Rod to do a big ass jump so he can save Frank’s life and kick his ass to prove he’s a real man.
If her opponents can’t avoid her most predictable move, do they deserve to win?
Maybe because athleticism and being a woman doesn’t mix very well. No one has challenged her effectively because no woman who currently does MMA has her type of mindset which is a man’s mindset. Male athletes strive to be THE BEST IN THEIR FIELD, and so do female athletes, but I’ve SEVEN the rank and file of women…
i assum this to be a intentional joke
But at night, so they don’t burn up.
“Let’s not go overboard.” — Fred Smoot, October 6, 2005
Let’s not go overboard. It would make the Vikings look like serviceable NFL players by comparison.
Yep, watch from afar.
Serena is the most dominant athlete in sports. It’s not even close.
When I bought and drove my ‘11 GT from FL to NJ, I averaged 26-27 mpg no problem. That was in 6th gear at 2k rpm, 78-80 mph the whole time. Now that my car is tuned, I still get around 23-24, but with the restrictive stock exhaust removed, its hard to not keep my right foot closer to the floor most of the time.
“And here is the planet Dickhitler, home of the Dickhitlerites.”
Might as well just quit your job now.
A fake Gjallahorn that shoots Tshirts
+1 if by land
+56 signatures. Well-timed.