This is what she said

At the risk of crucifixion — is that not simply “believing the victim”: the thing we all want people to do more?

Everyone says this like it happened in a vacuum.

Didn’t Amy Schumer post a kids picture online and scold him over something similar....didn’t Jez applaud her response to that?

That’s like comparing female rape to stolen items from a home...both are a violation but beyond that there is zero comparison.

What gives you 95% certainty?

Born in the USA and Eddie Grant’s Electric Avenue have been confusing white people into cheering and dancing since they were recorded...

How are you a civil rights activist but not understand the purpose of protest?

Protest is advertising for a cause.

You have a hard time cause you’re not listening to reason and can’t get past your own sense of offense.

Your ancestors also fought for the very right she is acting out here!!

Ok...just gotta ask...was this sarcasm:

“Piper Chapman” hahahahaomg Lena Dunham REALLY is like Piper Chapman!

I remember getting DRAGGED for saying the things about Lena we all see as true now.

Lena Dunham is not a white feminist.

Not “my candidate” I don’t live in that shit hole masquerading as a first world nation aka America.

Forget race and gender....did NO ONE ELSE read those emails?!

Didn’t she say “go with whatever version...” though?

Lesley Jones played a FANTASTIC stereotypical black woman!

Isn’t voyeurism a criminal offense?

That’s how you earn yourself a drone strike on your fucking living room.