
I'm saying it's unproductive if all I'm going to get from these is tips on how to make it look like I'm already under the geas of another man without a complementary tip on how not to be an asshole rapist then it's just perpetuating the victim-blaming mentality that puts the burden of proof and prevention on victims.

I think this is part of a problematic trend of advice that places the onus of preventing assault on women, especially with the inclusion of the "even locally" caveat. It shouldn't be my responsibility to dress a certain way, or wear special drug-detecting nail polish, or do anything at all to prevent getting raped,

Some constructive criticism, thehunchbackofnotredwayne, since I see you are interested in pursuing a path in sexist trolling: you need to commit (I would suggest you fact-check, too, put that's probably beyond you — Maddie is a staff writer here, just FYI! That is a full-time position, and also a vagina is not

The first two letter writers seriously need to cut those friends out of their lives. People who are racist and people who are rude to service employees are the worst kind of people. They don't deserve friends. Life is too short to waste time being friends with awful people who sooner or later will direct their

florida handles florida thing in a florida way.

1) Fuck that guy, I'm glad that they caught him.

I feel like in general, if you become a surrogate it is best to be prepared to honour the parents' wishes should they want to abort due to a catastrophic birth defect.

I know, right? Waiting for the Jez police to show up on my doorstep. :-/

I rate this trolling 5/10. You get a lot of points for scale and scope, but you forgot the cardinal rule: spelling errors and poor punctuation. You did get some points back for having a few words in all caps, but next time you might try typing an entire paragraph that way. As it is, I'm afraid it's too transparently

Looks like there's a snitch in the neighborhood.

Parents of 5 year old adorable moppet use child as surrogate to gain something they aren't sympathetic enough to get for themselves.

The only thing I learn from these Jezebel articles about Twitter is that no one should be on Twitter because Twitter is dumb, enables people to be dumb, and spreads the stupidity like a virus.

I find it incredibly interesting that throughout all of this, she's consistently failed to mention that UT-Austin didn't reject her outright. They offered her a chance to attend one of its system campuses (UT-Dallas was floated as the best option), earn at least a 3.2 GPA during her freshman year (she maintained a

Judging by this story, all of our mothers would be arrested if you grew up in the 60's and 70's.

"Here's to the security guards who maybe had a degree in another land. Here's to the manicurist who had to leave her family to come here, painting the nails, scrubbing the feet of strangers. Here's to the janitors who don't even fucking understand English yet work hard despite it all. Here's to the fast food

It's punishment, plain and simple. It's the punishment for being 'sullied' by having sex (or in some cases, raped) and if a woman doesn't have to go through the punishment publicly how can we shun her? If they were TRULY against abortion they would be passing out condoms on the street corners, advocating for free

Sure it is. My childhood was unsupervised. I was basically pushed out the door and told to be home when the street lights came on.

We were all dumb and naive in college. I used to think that I could change the world. Ha! After holding down a corporate job for 20 years, that notion has been thoroughly stomped out of me. I can't even change the toner cartridge.

You know what would be a great source of protein? That passive-aggressive friend.

"Horsepower is how fast you hit the guest's car in front of you and torque is how far you push it."