
Fuck everybody's stupid fucking religion. It has no place in the work place or anywhere else side your home or your place of worship.

While we disagree on a few things, I appreciate the content of your responses and I truly hope things work out well for you keep the hope alive and have a great rest of the day. You seem like a lovely thoughtful person. :)

I'm 5'9. 135lbs. A size 4. I'm 49 years old. 1350 calories daily are what is recommended for my age and size to maintain weight.

I agree with everything you've said about the food industry. You're preaching to the choir, no argument here.

Not eating for 12-15 hours might be a huge part of your problem, and I'm assuming it's your problem, because you're pretty passionate about this for it not to be personal.

If you don't eat crap, you don't get fat. No one who eats a diet filled with salads dressed in oil and vinegar for lunch (not ranch and I mean real salads, and not these cheese and crouton filled creations that are so popular) is fat. Dinners consisting of salmon, chicken, lean beef for dinner with some steamed or

1400 calories is not starving your body. If you eat the right food, 1400 calories is perfect depending on age, weight, size and degree of physical activity. Salads, vegetables, lean meats and fruits are very low in calories and you get to eat a lot. So, no, it's not at all complicated.

There isn't anything fundamentally wrong with your body when you're within a normal weight range. We all know what that looks like. Normal bodies come small, medium and large. What normal bodies don't come like is obese. If you're obese there is something fundamentally wrong with your body. You eat too much. No

you're actually one of the worst kinds of misogynist — the kind that plays the disingenuous card when it comes to the reality of male/female violence. Bravo. Well done. You can pick up your douche-bro card in the lobby. Fuckwit!

I know sometimes it's hard to know how to act, but personally, I'd have thrown money on the table for drinks and been out the door before he returned from the bathroom. Then I'd have blocked his number, so he couldn't text. I know it hurts to hear, but this reeks of desperation and the desire to make something you

When your husband is this unhappy he will fuck someone else.

Am I the only one who not only doesn't find this child cute, but sees her as an insufferable busy-body in years to come?

While I agree that these policies are unfair, why the hell would anyone post a photo of themselves like that?

Doll, clearly you haven't live in NY long enough to "get it" cause NYC us the epicenter of the muthafuckin' world. If you haven't figured that out after 6 yrs. you're never gonna get it. You should leave and go someplace mediocre where you can fit in, cause you suck!!!

What has happened to Canada? I was educated there in Ontario. At 10 yrs old in 6th grade in 1975 we had a full-on, detailed and specific, condoms on vegetables, period-sex, sex-ed. It was awesome. It taught me to take myself to PP at 15, lie and say I was 18, to get the pill. WTF, Canada?

Fuck you, Tennessee. We have a solution to pregnant women and drug problems and it's called abortion.

Or, more likely a grown woman with some actual life experience and some wisdom, who has been on this blog since it's inception, and who has grown weary of all of the youthful, time wasting, accomplish-nothing whining about skinny privilege and accept-my-fat-body rhetoric espoused by a majority of posters. Maybe it's

I believe I said I thought she was fat because it bothered her enough to decide and comment on who is and who isn't skinny. Nothing to do with who can and cannot fit in 4 year old sizes. But thanks for taking up the wrong issue for someone else. I'm guessing another image sensitive commenter. Wow.

And you're way too fat if it bothers you...

This is the kind of bureaucratic idiocy that will, eventually, remove all stigma from REAL sex offenders being labeled sex offenders. Ten years from now how will anyone determine whether the sex offender registry is full of sexting teens or actual pedophiles and rapist.