
In all honesty, we should probably be buying up all of those remaining copies and donating them to every library in America. They're just that good and so perfect for a kid just getting in to comics.

It's really tricky, right? Like, I read Brian Wood's X-Men book through the sexual assault allegations and, I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have. It's the last of his books that I've read but was it worth supporting, if just to support a comic full of female characters? Should I have bought Red Wolf just to support

I know I've got one somewhere that I really should dig out.

We all do. We all do.

My fav Booster moment is basically all of that issue of JLI where he and Blue Beetle decide to work as repossession agents and have to track a ghoul through the sewers.


Yeah, I'm always kind of blown away that this is something people ever wanted.

Oh man, Untold Legend of the Batman is a perfect first comic. The fact that DC doesn't have that thing constantly in print is a national tragedy.

I've had the Moore argument for a long time and I know it's not one that sits well for a lot of people. He's obviously a formative writer for many readers and a hard one to label as a misogynist. However, I think he's often gotten a pass for his works and I think it's worth questioning the decisions he's made and the

But, see he doesn't always treat rape as a horror story. Sure, it's a big part of Neonomicon and I could see an argument that the sexual violence of The Killing Joke is meant to be horrific, although I wouldn't agree with that, but he's used it just as often as little more than characterization. In Watchmen, rape is

Oh yeah, I credit Giffen and DeMatteis much more for Booster. He wouldn't be the character he is without them.

I buy that argument but don't know that I agree. I liked Šejić quite a bit though.

I'm in, dude.

Yeah, I'm not arguing that DC has sort of screwed the continuity pooch more than a few times with this stuff and I genuinely have nothing against old pre-Flashpoint Superman. That's the character I grew up with and the one I genuinely love but I just don't understand torching the new version, one who had grown into a

Moore's consistent use of rape, sexual assault, forced pregnancy, sexual violence and targeted violence against women is such a prevalent force in his work that it's hard to ignore unless you're determined to ignore it. I mean, if you'd like to read The Killing Joke, League of Extraordinary Gentleman, Watchmen, Swamp

It's basically the text book example of "Never give nerds what they want." DC spent 5 years making a new version of Superman work and only now have decided to listen to their aging fanbase, bring back Dan "I have never written a comic that could be described as innovative" Jurgens and the old version of Superman with

Chuck Dixon wrote several Punisher comics where Frank feeds people to sharks which is my platonic idea of the '90s.

Yeah, I am really not sure about that. I am sure he gets some credit for people buying the first volume but I'm not sure if he was credited as a creator or if he has some compensation coming in adaptations.

That is an awesome first comic.