
Yes yes yes.

Can anybody explain to me how this tiny probe effected jupiters orbit?! Why aren’t earth days constantly being messed with by gravitational pull of passing bodies like asteroids... If a piano size probe can have such a noticeable effect on Jupiter... Confused! Lil help?

Agree. I found this big reveal to be a let down. Now that we’ve seen them up close, they’re less scary... I also didn’t find their aesthetic treatment of the white walkers very captivating. They look like old men in samurai robes... That episode sort of stripped away all their spooky mystery and didn't deliver much.

u don't have a gf.

Wow! Impressive visuals. And an amazing opportunity for the 5th grader who they let write the script.

Wait... Why the hell are ALL THE LIGHTS ON?!? What a ridiculous waste of electricity! For like... a decade?!? That blows my mind! Exclamation points!

I pay a cricket to do my calc homework for me so clearly they're not *that* stupid. That said I am getting a "D" in the class.

Often it's not about being afraid of getting a ticket and more about trying to respect the safety of the officer who is exposed to cars going 50+mph... that's why I slow down, at least.

The 1975 - Menswear... yayayaya.

hahaha I thought the same thing re-reading the book last time... there's no way

I find the UI in their updated (as of today) app to be absolutely *hideous* ... I didn't really care for the previous UI and I was excited to see it updated but *wow* ... it somehow got worse? Ugh! I love the remote and the system and what it's capable of... but the app needs work!

I'm curious as to Philips plans for HomeKit... I would think that, especially since they posted that photo of their plans for an Hue Widget months ago, Philips would be out of the gate early with features for HomeKit but they seem to have been totally silent. That's what I'm most excited about with iOS 8 but I wonder

The guy writes "Cat Saturdays" instead of just writing "Cat-urdays"? Moron.

The guy writes "Cat Saturdays" instead of just writing "Cat-urdays"? Moron.

The guy writes "Cat Saturdays" instead of just writing "Cat-urdays"? Moron.

Anyway to get in on the desktop beta?

Bigger Estates, Better Golf Courses, Papa John's.


Then return her to the fiery chasm from whence she came!

Totally messed up. That said... you should have given your lady your headphones, dude.