
Absolutely. I think Rogue One is my favorite Star Wars movie. I have been so disappointed by episodes 7 and 8... the writing and stories are awful. His comment about not caring about Star Wars really resonates. He just made a great film with real heart.

Honest tho did you learn about the heat death from the Arrival extra features? Cuz I did.

The Anywhere MX 2 is an awesome mouse but currently is not working over bluetooth w/ MacOS. I’ve talked to technical support and apparently they are working on a fix but, especially since there is no USB port for a dongle, the mouse is dead in the water for new MacBook Pros. Huge bummer.

The Anywhere MX 2 is an awesome mouse but currently is not working over bluetooth w/ MacOS. I’ve talked to technical

What’s a hotel information session? And why did it take 30 minutes?

I loved Prometheus.

Is it really that common that you do *permenant* damage to your system or files? I’ve run a few public betas from Apple with bugs, yes, but never something that egregious... Especially if you’ve got all your essential files in the cloud, is it really likely that you’d do anything so severe that a re-install of OS X

I absolutely loved Prometheus and can’t wait for sequel. I didn’t understand the negative response to it at all... I’m going to assume it was just a bunch of la-hoo-sers nitpicking. It was an excellent film in a era of impressively terrible cinema.

Agreed, but I think big block lettering looks sleeker in Spotify’s dark theme... big block black letters on white looks like a bad powerpoint presentation to me.

Those big block letter headings looked strikingly ugly when I first saw that screen shot... is that just me? Like u g l y.

Yesss... Yesss... Feed your anger... Give in to it...

The only reason I use Apple Music is the Siri integration. Otherwise I think its UI pales in comparison to Spotify which I used for years preceding the switch. But when you’re in the car being able to tell Siri to play something or insert a song into your queue can be helpful. It can also be maddening, as is always

Is it shitty to think that calling these instagram accounts ‘art’ is a g-i-a-n-t stretch? guy or girl, having somebody else just take pictures of you going about your day is so shallow, self-involved, and unimaginative... and they’re not even the one’s taking the pictures so it’s not photography... just life as art,

Why’s the Northeast iced out?

I have a serious question and one I still haven’t found an answer for despite searching a few times. Where are the nerves being stimulated in a male orgasm... like what, physiologically, is happening that makes it feel great. Everything I read about it just kinda glosses over that by saying “and the nerves go crazy"

Clear eyes. Full hearts. Five stars. Can't lose.

Then again, to look at the beautifully composed and artfully edited work of a professional photographer/artist and declare, “I could do that if I was there,” even if you do have experience behind the lens is... well, quite lame. To reduce photography, even photojournalism, to the physical position of the photographer

How long was that guy waiting by that door hahahaha. I'm willing to suspend disbelief but... that was un - be - lievable. On a few levels.

Agreed. I actually think that what we are all watching is the result of this guy imploding under the pressure following season one. This is laughable.

I’d be totally fine with a Music app and TV/Video app... Isn't that how iOS does it? I never need to switch so quickly between the two types of media. I'm usually doing one or the other.

Thank you for this... the criticism of Apple Music needs to be expressed loudly and clearly and often. I put myself through the ringer getting my playlists over to Apple Music so I could give it a fair shake and it has been so disappointing. The UI is bonkers! With one two clicks in Spotify I can get from a song on a