
No rat talk tonight, OK buddy?

I’m 34 and self-employed. I have been able to invest $0 thanks to multiple tumor removal surgeries and subsequent rehab. I had a nice “nest egg” going in my late 20s, but it sadly didn’t survive Cancerscarepalooza.

What I’m trying to say is that articles like this one can really, truly go fuck themselves. (v excited to

People like that, the ones who say shit like “I’m easy” and then are the opposite of easy, truly deserve their own ring of hell.

The terrorists truly won. Changed our country for the worse. I get to feel that saying something like that on the internet may come back to haunt me in some way. Yay America!

There’s a lot of “fuck off” to go around here, but the shit about Terry Crews actually turns my fucking stomach. UGH these people, both of them, are absolute trash. Fucking trash. No surprise this is somehow affiliated with Andy Cohen!

Hello darkness my old friend

Very excited to see how many of the dense, humorless commentariat gets outraged over something that is OBVIOUSLY MEANT TO BE A JOKE. It’s not really that funny, but it’s clearly intentional.

lol yeah. I had to explain what thigh chafing was to my statuesque roommate in college. She was baffled. People’s bodies be different!

Getting a film made is about more than just making art you want to make. It takes money, it takes prestige.

I do have thoughtful things to say about male film directors getting to just keep on making movies even when their best years are behind them (glad to hear this is a return to form for Spike Lee though)...but I have what I consider to be an unhealthy degree of lust for Adam Driver. He gets to just wear that greasy mop

I’m surprised she was willing to mingle with the hoi polloi...not that she knows what “hoi polloi” means. How did our soi-disant “upper class” get so dumb?

The people I know who love Von Trier, Haneke and other edgy dude “auteurs” are the ones who are the most stubbornly, annoyingly contrarian. I liked Melancholia because it was a great premise but otherwise think Von Trier’s whole schtick is a like a mall goth game of chicken. Like, we get it, you want to shock and

You can both feel compassion for a person and be disgusted by them

Oh, I do not like Aquaria. Like at all. But she is objectively doing better in the competition than Cracker is.

I’m surprised Aquaria is doing so well and Cracker is doing so not well. I did not call that correctly when the season started.

“It’s not hard to imagine that the majority of the perpetuators of sexual violence have experienced sexual trauma or violence themselves.”
This seems like an irresponsible thing to just say without doing any due diligence first, no?

I JUST started watching this on Hulu and was shocked by how funny and enjoyable it is. I figured a show about cops would be garbage but it is definitely not. Sucks it’s over, but 5 seasons is a pretty good run. Plus, it never really had time to get bad, so that’s good.

“Among her replies is that Roseanne has had a TBI and struggles with mental illness. The same can be said for Kanye West.”

This is a really flippant excuse. Rosie is welcome to believe whatever dumb, condescending shit she wants, but this is not a smart thing for everyone else to believe.

But where’s the token fatty? WHO WILL PROVIDE THE COMIC RELIEF?!?!

I had a hysterectomy due to fibroids (they thought they might be cancerous because they were so big and weird looking). The multiple doctors I consulted told me that hysterectomy was the best option because my uterus would likely be too thin to safely allow for pregnancy if they just removed the ‘broids. I’ve never