
Nope. You’ve spent centuries using your men-only shit to hoard power away from anyone else. When the country club and the strip club are where the executives make deals affecting the whole company, then you don’t get to keep women and black people out. Single-sex institutions are a privileged men have abused and now are aware that men’s colleges exist, right?

No one here has remotely suggested that we should do away with co-education entirely, or that it is inferior to single-sex education. It sounds like you’re passionately protesting an issue that doesn’t exist.

The thing is that I live in a fairly egalitarian society (Quebec, Canada) where men take the yearlong parental leave as often as women and we’re still not seeing younger women bridge the salary gap.

That’s not really different than what I said. There’s a finite demand, and they compete with each other. And yes, the ones with better reputations likely have some advantage... That said, none of these are “finishing schools.” I know that’s Sweet Briar’s reputation. But I also know that the school built up an entire

I didn’t go to  single gender institutions. I was saying that the women who did seem to have benefitted from a few more years to thrive before having to fight for a place at the table. I’m glad you had few issues but just the fact that women are still usually paid less than men for the same work and have to fight for

I didn’t say a single word about gender pronouns though they are a big part of gender identity in a social context and I’m not the one making weird conflations in this thread. I can’t tell if you’re well meaning or not anymore. This is a conversation about a women’s college. I said that gender fluid people should be

There are plenty of studies that show mixed gender learning is determental to girls and women while it’s better for boys. Especially STEM related classes. So why should women suffer to give men another leg up. Even teacher’s have biases that have been so ingrained into them they don’t realize they call on boys more.

I think you need to read up on the meaning of the old boy’s network.

No, it’s not really that pesky. It’s an observable, replicated fact that co-educational environments are detrimental to girls and women, particularly in STEM-focused fields (while being better for boys and men than single-sex education), and that girls and women who attend single-sex schools and universities have

Good luck explaining that to the poor downtrodden white man (often with lots of money) that is convinced BET, black colleges, and Tyler Perry are racist and out to get him.


You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t you.