I agree with NonServiam. I feel like the term we're all really aiming for is something like "non-parents." I'm currently a non-parent just like I'm a non-athlete.
I agree with NonServiam. I feel like the term we're all really aiming for is something like "non-parents." I'm currently a non-parent just like I'm a non-athlete.
What to Expect When You're Expecting. or like...a million other books? lol. Not trying to give you a hard time but that's kinda like asking why there's no white history month, or international men's day :)
You don't need a book, it's simply the status quo of American parents.
I cannot WAIT to read this book! One unique correlation that I have found in my life is that people assume that both my childfreedom and my atheism are simply fads that I'll get over when I'm older. It's so infuriating to think that at 25, I'm considered old enough to have kids, but not old enough to decide not to…
You know, this makes me think of a conversation I had with an old coworker that was a Mom with a capital Mom. When I brought up the fact that I didn't want children, and that it was a selfish decision, she responded that having kids could be just as selfish, and that not procreating could actually be seen as self-less…
d) or they will take care of you and it will ruin their own lives, but let's all remember that it's NOT having children that is the selfish choice here.
Was coming here to say this. Even though I'm white it just seems like black kids aren't allowed to be kids, they need to act like mini adults.
Another problem is that behavior that they wouldn't even notice in a white girl but identify as aggression or unacceptable attitude from a black girl.
They're not even all kids. It's apparently anyone born between 1980 and 2000, which is just nuts because sorry, I was born in 1984 and I have zero in common with someone born in 2000. And I struggle to give a shit what a 15 year old thinks about morality anyway, because they're 15 and the majority haven't experienced…
Math must not be your forte, if you think I'm in my twenties when I haven't seen any of them in a decade.
What's to feel smug about? You also own an overpriced rock/status-symbol that is often mined in unethical ways.
I can't imagine wanting make up sex. After a fight I'm too easily re-angered.
"These people can't get to grocery stores that have extensive healthy offerings, and can't afford to buy the ones that are there, and are therefore getting sick! What's our solution, boys?"
My ex used to do this. I finally became so enraged by it that when he got around to the "Wanna know what I was mad about the other day?" part, I just said NOPE IM OVER IT YOU MISSED YOUR CHANCE TO DISCUSS IT WITH ME and went about my day.
I have no doubt there are people who should not be having any(more) children, but I'd love to see the stats on how often this option is offered to men. Prolly never?
I know multiple women who can only be properly aroused by oral stimulation. I've yet to encounter a man who requires a blowjob to achieve erection. And I've never hurt my neck performing cunnilingus.
Agreed. I think it's really unfair to pretend like oral sex in a hetero relationship is a quid pro quo sort of thing. I understand that the tit-for-tat view is a response to decades (maybe even centuries?) of men expecting blowjobs and pretending like eating a woman out was the grossest thing in the world but I think…
No logic, just misogyny.
We celebrate boys growing, becoming men in so many cultures, but girls? Periods are dirty, women are polluted. And that's just from religious perspectives. Its wrong and makes girls ashamed of their bodies just for being girls. Periods are a sign of life. I love how she put it, to make mankind possible. Exactly!
yeah, this is what blows me away. I have a couple of IG peeps that do crossfit that repeatedly post bloody/chewed up/blistered up hand pics from doing their pull ups. And then the "I fell off my bike pics look at my road rash" pics. Those don't get censored. Why not? No logic.