
She was wearing her costume for the movie she is filming while dancing and mouthing the words to a popular song this is no different than what everyone does musically and dubsmash...this outrage is such a stretch

For him to understand that shirt, he has to press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start.

I really hate Full justification. YMMV, of course.

We also already knew he’s a misogynist. As you say, he’s already dehumanized people who are Black, Latino, Muslim, Jewish, immigrants and refugees, people who have disabilities, he’s constantly dehumanized and objectified women, he’s insulted war veterans.

Also bear in mind, none of these ranchers, the Bundy’s included, want to own the BLM maintained land. They just want it returned to local control, i.e., towns and sheriffs.

It’s for my children, grandchildren… Everything comes from the Earth and if [the government] can get control of the resources, they can get control of the people.”

I won’t argue for an instant the fact that she’s faced a traumatic experience, and deserves our compassion for that.

Objectification is not a compliment.

Not really. Valuing a woman by her looks is bullshit. So even if Machado was a whale she still deserves respect. And again no one including Miss Universe up there gives a flying fuck that you think she’s fuckable.

Also, some dogs get very scared and bolt, which can result in getting lost, getting it by a car (it’s happened), or other bad things.

Former veterinary nurse here. I obviously know about dogs overheating in cars, but I question this. You can’t just smash the window, you also have to get the dog out of there and cooled down. I’ve seen really experienced animal nurses be mauled to hell when trying to help a distressed animal. Breaking the window in a