I thought the most harsh you could get with “Bless your heart” was to say it to someone’s face, but I was wrong; the true nuclear move is to say it to a reporter doing a Vanity Fair profile they will DEFINITELY read
I thought the most harsh you could get with “Bless your heart” was to say it to someone’s face, but I was wrong; the true nuclear move is to say it to a reporter doing a Vanity Fair profile they will DEFINITELY read
I know!!!!!!!!! I mean, does this guy even hear himself? If your argument would work as dialogue for a villain in a Dickens story, you may need to reevaluate your life.
For real. My jaw dropped reading that line. What a fucking clueless douche of the highest degree.
“I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day.”
He's the bipolar kid who is getting his MFA at your college who asks too many questions in class, has weird final submissions, and also makes you worry about your safety.
He’s a gigantic baby who has always fancied himself to be far more important and talented than he actually is.
And don’t take a picture of him while you’re doing it ;)
You’ve missed the point if you think anyone is saying you shouldn’t be concerned about the direction the country is going or that you should be passive. The point is to examine WHY you back a certain candidate for the less overt biases that are inherent in support. And look at who you think is best capable of…
Old white people do love butterscotch
I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then…
That is absolutely perfect.
Funny story.....
Funny story.....
“I hope my son sees early on that not everyone gets a trophy,” said Bristol Palin, a person who is famous because of her talent, hard work, and thoughtful insights.
I thought the most effective part of that whole sequence was her total resignation when she reached the 911 operator—”yeah (sigh), I need assistance.”
Boy do I hate being a man right about now...we are assholes and murderers...
I would be surprised if it wasn’t officiated by hello kitty.
“I made a joke about dating, and then AMY made a joke about dating!! THEN I made a joke about boobs, and of course Amy went and made a boob-joke too! Then I did this whole bit where it would be surprising that I was being crass because I am a girl, you know? Guess what! AMY went and did that too! And Amy NEVER steals…
So when does Stoya start raking in all that sweet, sweet, rape accuser money I keep hearing so much about?
The best part about this quote is that she excludes *herself* from the discussion. Like, Martha looks great (and I’d be at least 400lbs if I had access to all those gateaux &c.), but slender she is not.