
A GS interview is controversial to unhinged sexists. To theocrats. To the whole GOP nightmare machine who are fighting tooth and nail to send women back to the dark ages in this country.

If you or anyone else here has a few extra minutes, please call Lands’ End this afternoon and register your support for the Gloria Steinem interview. They’re getting shelled by anti-choicers and anti-feminists, who don’t seem to realize that they wouldn’t be able to make a phone call at all without Hubby’s permission

We are the silent majority.

I seriously bet if enough educated pro-choice people started being as noisy as the uneducated theocrat bullies - Land’s End might not cave so easy.

To these conservatives: go ahead and boycott lands end too. One million (dumbfuck) moms are probably going to get in on this too, I’m sure. BOYCOTT AWAY FUCKSTICKS. Pretty soon you will have nothing to buy, except chicka-fil-a, and hobby lobby.

Funny, if they’d stood behind their association with Steinem, they would have made an avowed and loyal fan of me.