Since you somehow managed not to include this, I will: Fuck the Red Sox and fuck the whole Dirty Water bullshit
Since you somehow managed not to include this, I will: Fuck the Red Sox and fuck the whole Dirty Water bullshit
*Jackie Bradley Jr is traded to Astros*
Please update when Bill Simmons inevitably joins the fray
I was really hoping the Knicks wouldn’t be like the Knicks.
I honestly don’t know what I expected but it wasn’t this
Missed opportunity for the Giants to temporarily sign Algernon Brown.
I would have loved to see everyone’s reactions if he’d missed
Johnny Damon and Manny Ramirez would like a word with you
Poor Luke got very confused when Yankees fans started chanting “Who’s your daddy?” at David Price.
You have an alert set up for “Deadspin kicker,” don’t you
Does that announcer always do the “goool goool goool” instead of one really long one, or just because the U.S. were the bad guys on the Spanish language broadcast?
Now back to your regularly scheduled thoughtful comments about the Falcons
Just for you, I will!
*remembers he drafted Freeman in 2 fantasy leagues*
Yea I’d just come back from the Caribbean and it was way hotter and more humid back in NYC! Plus that sweet garbage smell.
I was there last night — and have gone at least one day/night to each US Open for well over a decade — and I can say I have never experienced humidity like that at the Open before. It was claustrophobic, inescapable. Never really got better as the night went on. The group I was with all felt so physically unwell we…
Has Greenwald come out in support of Qanon yet?
God I forgot about that Luis Castillo drop. Now I have to watch it all day.
This is also the point where if you grow tomatoes you go from “wow! ripe tomatoes!” to “oh god... more ripe tomatoes?” and pass them off on friends
Seems like a reasonable stance since the Irriducibili are apparently already full of cunts.