
Hey at least you tried

This is the last time the White House is allowed to ask the first question at a tennis press conference

This happens all the time with my building’s recycling bottle tree, as well as our FedEx-left-it-at-the-front-door tree.

First time I’ve seen drug dealers name their product for the amount of taxes they planned to pay.

Every time I feel this way, I go to a game and am surrounded by some of the most obnoxious large groups, usually with little kids. Great for them that they can go, but between that and the weird lighting/sight lines, not really worth even a cheap ticket.

No wonder the Andersons always get tickets to the game.

If you ask Siri to rap, she dutifully butchers ‘Rapper’s Delight’ for you.  

Way to throw the hard part of the recipe right at the end.

Would rather watch Manny eat unlimited sushi.

Assume for a minute you can’t have both. Which team would Deadspin rather hate on: Man Utd, or England?


Yes, CLECSoft demands answers!

Maybe they meant their cycles are drug-free.

I’d be upset if my goalie mistake cost us a baby, too.

Our assistant rugby coach in college was a 6 foot 4 former Italian pro named Federigo. Impossibly handsome, worked in finance as his day job and drove a Lamborghini.

Warren set Faye up for that one

So did he foul him though?

What’s weird is that a guerrilla tactic is usually sneaky, a hit and run type attack. A hard-charging serve and volley seems pretty much the opposite? But IDK maybe compared to whacking from the baseline.

So that’s not even his real name?