
I gave you a full star because this is America dammit and until everyone gets an auto-star we just have to keep going through this exercise. Thank you for your comments. 

that’s me with Pink Lady apples.

I live in California. I would rather forage for an avocado (a feasible alternative) than pay more than $1 for one.

I’m still looking at the weekly ads for the grocery store. I’m not paying full price for produce like some chump.

Thank you for the long version of my statement that The French guy didn’t create this story, an Arab did.

I mean, I’m not watching it, and I could not care less about this movie. My concern with attribution of the story of Aladdin to a Frenchman - that was an inaccurate statement. He translated a story, he wasn’t its author.

The Aladdin story was created by a French translator and the original Aladdin himself was Chinese with the action taking place in China.

lol “certain groups” - did that thinly veiled attempt even fool anyone? sheesh.

have to go home to a cold garret due to earning a pauper’s wage

His scenes were some of my favorite parts. The Cal State Fullerton bit wrecked the entire movie theater, which is just a stone’s throw from Cal State Fullerton. Regional jokes ftw!

yeah no. I am not rubbing chicken thighs against my face. And I bleach all dishes, utensils and cutting boards that touch raw meat, then scrub down my sink and counter tops just in case there was any raw chicken splash. I’m also not lickin my ass and then lickin someone’s face either. And before you go there, I have

Not only would you need to be nimble of face and feeling to suppress that you are masticating on some slimy cardboard, but it would require complete ignorance of the state of home and kitchen of the person who made the food. Yeah, you think I forgot about that time you told the story about how you let your dog lick

Middle school health class cemented my fear of toxic shock syndrome. FEARS VALIDATED. I’m forwarding this to everyone I know.

Where is my Brian?! Although I’m not doing the dishes either so, faux-Brian must also come with a very large dishwasher.

Coulda told you that.” - Muslims everywhere gaining weight during Ramadan.

They’ve been on record saying that they will say whatever awful thing they can to get the attention they feel their cause merits. They are bonkers.

In the meantime, stop being ridiculous.

Where the hell did I blame all Alawites? There were Alawites who joined the FSA from the start of the revolution because they too knew what monsters the regime is. I never have and never will advocate for HTS or any other terrorist organization. But I know you are a supporter of terrorism because who else but a

I’m Syrian. My uncle was murdered by the regime. My other uncle jailed for years. My cousin is a paraplegic because of a bullet lodged in his spine from the clock tower massacre in Homs. My cousin raped by mukhabarat and not a single family member left in the city they are from because all their homes are rubble. Try

eh. what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I figure every surface I touch is covered in doodoo, from door handles to touch screen interfaces. Everything is disgusting, let’s not sully it with sour mushy grapes.