
This is a war crime. I’ll see you in Geneva.

The Pumpkin O’s were fine. A bit sugary for me but they weren’t bad by any stretch.

There are still refugees and internally displaced people. It’s been over 7 years with people in very small temporary shelters told to go back home to a radiation poisoned land. yeah. sounds amazing. Who doesn’t love cancer?

Good for her. So sad and scary that she actually attempted cutting off her eyebrows... yikes!

My brain stopped on it and was like guess i’m going to just turn into Adrian Monk now and carry wipes with me EVERYWHERE x_x

The menu. It’s in the next sentence...

For real though. Did you see Trevor Noah’s behind the scenes on that very topic? I think he summed it up very well

I’m talking about the people still in temp housing. That disaster created about what 70K+ refugees? And not that long ago the gov’t was like no more help for you unless you go back home... to Fukushima.


Depends how long it’ll go on for. Is he gonna Kawhi it?

She said she thinks she’s the most bullied person in the world. So. Yeah. #BeBest is actually just a bout her.

Tell that to the people at Fukushima prefecture...

hell ya habibi!

What he is prolly thinking is that with the GOP he’s special. he’s their magical unicorn that they can hold up and be like See! We aren’t racist/homophobic/bigots! Versus with the Dems he’d just be a regular normal person.

So... Beirut?

Also “I’m Better” I love that music video.

I’m not a fan of YOU. ಠ_ಠ

Taylor was SOOOO underwhelming and boring.

That was a good short. The Disney shorts they have (had?) up on Netflix are fantastic and definitely worth watching.

Makes sense they are required to start smoking at age 6.