
@Resuriko: i wasnt quoting him....his theories were just my basis and the survival of the fitest was the indicator °-°"

@MrGone1980: i played 3 recently and the story is really reeaally good. i think the game mechanics are a bit lacking. well i had to shed a tear after rikiya died °_°... i wished it had a bigger exploreable world. okinawa and kamurocho wasnt enough ^-^. but again....really great story...they could turn it into a movie

why oh why...why not a 3rd person game *cries* ego perspective is out of reach for me

one sentence: Darwin...survival of the fittest

physical. because anything else could have been in the game for everybody to enjoy.

i am all in for some new stuff but old genre. funny jump and runs, intelligent puzzle games. gamers you dont want to let go of your handheld. but the game in the list sound more like a rehash of home console type games made for a portable system.

well, train for me. i developed fear of flying with planes over time. i flew 17-19 times(dont really remember, there were years i flew six times). frist fly..below you are the clouds,the landmass..above you a blue sky, stars BUT after turbulances on some flights, fliying around a storm, seeing

@Bricked: some game saves cant even be copied...a non comparable pain in the ass

an option to copy ALL save games to a thumbdrive would be better. i could upload them to my own cloud ^ö^

i thought you ask people what to do for a "must buy" didnt *hehe*

@KingHippo: the smaller electronics with high specs get, more expensive they get...and dont forget the cost for developing and marketing. a nPSP2 for 250$ would be nice, but no one should expect that price

@Frazzleberry: its not much her size, i guess her facial and physical features. to me hwang mi hee is beautiful..but korean girls should be enjoyed with care. highest surgery rate in asia is in korea ^-^ hehe. but still she is sooooo cute. i want to put her on my shelf and make her dance on my desk. like hand maid mai

o.O she is not "beautiful" ...she is cute yes and but not beautiful(not in my terms) .....BUT damn...those suits are made for her with that body and those look so great in combination. even if its a photoshoot how can the guys be so calm? i would have her eye raped her three times while thinking of a cake recipe to

and i still think, they could have done a fingerfriendly XMBjust bigger icons and differen behaviour of sub sections. like for pictures, music, and movies.

i think i have a eyes searched for gaming console, figurines and posters first....after that the girl ..... _ look what you made of me! LOOK DAMIT !

@BiddyBalboa: sir...your totally right and i was wrong. really well hidden. thanks ^-^

@Yeebles: i dont like the PSN icon, doesnt look good, compared to the others, then vid zone(germany), the extra icons for video edit and video store. and tv icon with a animaxx(germany). i still think it would be good for finger usw. i wouldnt mind swiping and tapping. since the icons look like a cheap china ui

@BiddyBalboa: i just saw on/off and volume buttons

@Jaredu: i love my standard SonyEricsson headphones. wasnt that cheep either with a low impedance extension. i didnt like the unbalanced sound on BT stereo but well i just tried a nokia and a SE bt dongle. . but still BT kills battery faster. and yes BT is a good idea....especially for the DualShock3 connection. i