
oh my god....headphone jack is in the mid of the device? so i cant use it as a music device in sleeve like the original PSP. no time to play with the ui i guess

oh my god....headphone jack is in the mid of the device? so i cant use it as a music device in sleeve like the original PSP. no time to play with the ui i guess

possibly expensive hyped dream handheld with unbelievable potential but also big responsibilities in honour of Playlaystation brand... PEHDBABRIHPB or short not PSP2= nPSP2

@Yeebles: the XMB is ...well finger friendliy. you can scroll it..and with big enough text, buttons finger friendly. i will literally cry if its gone, since its one of the sleekes UIs. (except the now post hume PS3 XMB...they really raped it with all ther ugly icons and unneccessary options)

definitily not final design.

@ElephantFace: but it would make more sense since its portable. the centre of mass would be lower and possibly better to hold

@DrakeDatsun: i think there is a stroke based system, have to ask a friend. she is chinese. but as far as i know its much more coplicated than just a touchscreen. or its just complicated to me ^-^. i cant speak chinese nothing beside "hello" and "you mother is a horse"

@Timstuff: the "gaming phone" is from SonyEricsson.. a joint venture of sony and ericsson... they borrow brand names from them, but the rest are their own inventions. SE used them first in japan since the japanese mostly associated Sony with the SE brand and brandnames like Walkman, Bravia and CyberShot were familiar

@Gigaknight: they could implement pressable nubs, the rest doesnt need to be adapted.

@TareG: the japanese use mostly keypads since you can write all words with the hiragana/katakana, which are converted to kanji. the chinese use stylus since they cant substitute there writing system

@jkh13: well it could still be used as an gaming cartridge with...don't know..maybe up to 8 gig of storage, since flash chips got cheap over the years.

@Rapture Rising: i think they got to be a member of the SD consortium recently. i believe they even had sony branded sd cards for their newest handy cam recorders...but i am not sure

i hope its not a slider o(_<)o *wishes hard for a non-slider psp2*

but thats the way things works. one brand needs a fanbase. the fanbase is divided to loose fans, enthusiastic fans and hardcore fans. those hardcore fans build the opinion making core like "Mass effect is the best on Xbox" and MS takes this for marketing.

@khronos: i guess Phoenix Wright was the first of his kind on the DS. i didnt saw the concept on another system. but in the end, its basically a text adventure "go there, ask that, go back, tell this go back again".

@The Sentient Meat: i'd like to have one to, i bought a PSP when it got out was satisfied with it to a certain degree, then sold it 4 years later for 60% of the original price hehe.

doenst the middleware,dev tool get better too? in a presentation of the CryEngine 2 the devs said that the Engine itself comes with a lot of templates and so i have this humble naiive view that creating better visual might get a bit easier too?

funny part is, she actually played the game. the first RE movie was shot partially in berlin so the german media exploit the fact and most boulevard tv shows had a RE movie feature. in one she explained the whole damn game, that she was playing the game with her brother etc etc etc. she is the only game-to movie

@DRaGZ: *laughs* ever had a girl who sad "my ex was THAT good and we did this and other things it was great" before you became a couple and after day 1 (now couple) she says something "that wasnt that bad" after something like that your interesst drops rapidly. friend...women are expecting more than in the past days.

michael jai white was black dynamite? i thought he only played spawn in a big movie