
Luckily that thistle and poison ivy broke his fall

Aren’t you the guy who said there was no way these people would be charged?

One problem with elite is they always want to talk about actual news stories. We have to reach out to whites where they live—comment sections.

It’s ok. I got it.

It was a joke. I don’t know how I could have made it any more obvious.

I don’t think its fake news I think he is just shorting as many stocks as possible before his assets are placed in a “blind” trust. Every company he fires against has a 5-10% drop then a rebound that is the same or better than the drop.

I’m already sick of hearing about this. I already know what the talk shows will be talking about all week. If the Giants lose and the WRs don’t play well Mt. Hot Take will erupt with a fury unknown to mankind.

That’s no Moon...

That’s no moon. . . .

Holllllly Moly how much peroxide is in that picture

Keith Urbaniskaya?

In Soviet Russia you don’t gather around fire, fire gathers around you.

Said it in a different article and will say it again: the American electorate doesn’t choose back to back presidents of the same party. Political scholars think a Clinton win would have been remarkable for that reason. If you want to talk about a party shitting the bed, look at the Republicans. They knew they had the

Hillary Clinton’s not from NY, Trump is.

If this effectively ends the political careers of these idiots (either through confirmation testimony or failing at jobs they’re severely underqualified for) then, assuming we survive, perhaps it’ll be worth it.

I was genuinely surprised that Bush didn’t get picked to run the department of (low) energy. Almost all of his picks seem like troll jobs.

Movie is made with Chinese money for Chinese market by a Chinese director. Yet a white American feels sufficiently entitled to critique a movie she hasn’t watched.

You know what, though - there’s more to it than that. I can’t really put my finger on it... she’s just somehow so unlikable and comes off untrustworthy. She rubs me the wrong way. Her outfits, her voice, her attitude. Y’all know what I’m talking about.